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 OutRun vinyl soundtrack

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

OutRun vinyl soundtrack Empty
PostSubject: OutRun vinyl soundtrack   OutRun vinyl soundtrack Clock_9Wed 22 Jun 2016 - 10:31

OutRun vinyl soundtrack Outrundd_01

OutRun soundtrack will be on sale at Data Discs from Saturday 25th June at 19:00 (UK time).  

It's available as standard 180g black vinyl, mint green vinyl and limited edition mint green, transparent and pink.

Each edition includes 3 interchangeable covers

All editions cost £19,99 (26€). This release is expected to ship in July.

Music is composed by Hiroshi "Hiro" Kawaguchi.


You can buy it here:

A1. Magical Sound Shower (Arcade, 1986)
A2. Passing Breeze (Arcade, 1986)
A3. Splash Wave (Arcade, 1986)
A4. Last Wave (Arcade, 1986)

B1. Step on Beat (Mega Drive, 1991)
B2. Cruising Line (Nintendo 3DS, 2014)
B3. Camino a Mi Amor (Nintendo 3DS, 2014)


La bande son de OutRun sera disponible dès le samedi 25 juin 20h chez Data Discs!

Elle est disponile en version noire classique 180g, édition vert menthe et en édition limitée vert menthe, transparent et rose.

Chaque édition comprend 3 pochettes interchangeables.

Toutes les éditions coûtent L'édition standard coûte£19,99 (26€).

La musique est composée par Hiroshi "Hiro" Kawaguchi.


Vous pouvez l'acheter ici:

A1. Magical Sound Shower (Arcade, 1986)
A2. Passing Breeze (Arcade, 1986)
A3. Splash Wave (Arcade, 1986)
A4. Last Wave (Arcade, 1986)

B1. Step on Beat (Mega Drive, 1991)
B2. Cruising Line (Nintendo 3DS, 2014)
B3. Camino a Mi Amor (Nintendo 3DS, 2014)

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