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 Streets of Rage 2 vinyl soundtrack

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Streets of Rage 2 vinyl soundtrack Empty
PostSubject: Streets of Rage 2 vinyl soundtrack   Streets of Rage 2 vinyl soundtrack Clock_9Sat 27 Feb 2016 - 13:22

Streets of Rage 2 vinyl soundtrack Data005_01

Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack is available on vinyl at Data Discs!

It's available as standard 180g black vinyl, translucent vinyl with black smoke effect and limited edition with black smoke effect and blood spatter.

Each edition includes 2 lithographic prints.

The standard edition costs £22.99 (€29.16) while the colour and limited editions cost £24.99 (€31.70).

Music is composed by Yuzo Koshiro.


You can buy it here:

A1. S.O.R Super Mix
A2. Player Select
A3. Go Straight
A4. In the Bar
A5. Never Return Alive
A6. Spin on the Bridge

B1. Ready Funk
B2. Dreamer
B3. Alien Power
B4. Under Logic
B5. Too Deep
B6. Slow Moon
B7. Round Clear

C1. Wave 131
C2. Jungle Base
C3. Back to the Industry
C4. Expander
C5. Max Man
C6. Revenge of Mr. X
C7. Good End
C8. Game Over

D1. Go Straight (Original Version)
D2. Little Money Avenue (Unused Track)
D3. In the Bar (Alternate Version)
D4. Walking Bottom (Prototype Track)


La bande son de Streets of Rage 2 est disponible en vinyl chez Data Discs!

Elle est disponile en version noire classique 180g et en édition limitée transparente avec des taches bleues, blanches et rouges.

Chaque édition comprend 2 lithographies.

L'édition standard coûte 22,99£ (29,16€) tandis que l'édition couleur et l'édition limitée sont à 24,99£ (31,70€).

La musique est composée par Yuzo Koshiro.


Vous pouvez l'acheter ici:

A1. S.O.R Super Mix
A2. Player Select
A3. Go Straight
A4. In the Bar
A5. Never Return Alive
A6. Spin on the Bridge

B1. Ready Funk
B2. Dreamer
B3. Alien Power
B4. Under Logic
B5. Too Deep
B6. Slow Moon
B7. Round Clear

C1. Wave 131
C2. Jungle Base
C3. Back to the Industry
C4. Expander
C5. Max Man
C6. Revenge of Mr. X
C7. Good End
C8. Game Over

D1. Go Straight (Original Version)
D2. Little Money Avenue (Unused Track)
D3. In the Bar (Alternate Version)
D4. Walking Bottom (Prototype Track)

Streets of Rage 2 vinyl soundtrack Data005_02

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