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 -= Contributors Top 10 =-

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

-= Contributors Top 10 =- Empty
PostSubject: -= Contributors Top 10 =-   -= Contributors Top 10 =- Clock_9Wed 6 Jul 2005 - 22:47

Here's the current Arcade Belgium database contributors top 10 (also published on our website):

08/03/2024 - 138 locations in database.

1. Cricri419 - 16pts king
2. Bingovit - 6pts
3. XOlifreX - 1pt
4. --- - 0pt

You can check previous years rankings here: 2013 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005

You get points by submitting new locations' game lists, locations' front pictures (from the outside, not the inside) or updating existing lists. By "location", we mean any place where stands an arcade game, or a pinball machine. It can be an arcade, a bar, a theater, a shop, a funfair lunapark, ... anything! The only requirement is that it must be open to the public. You can check the database's current state on the website.

At the end of the year, the 3 most active contributors will receive a gift.

Scoring works as follow:
Complete list -> 3 points.
Photo -> 2 points (only if picture is taken from outside).
Update/correction -> 1 point.

It is not required to be a forum member to participate.

You can post your contributions in this room or send them by e-mail to

You're credited on the location page you contribute to with a link to your website (if any).

Please, try to be as accurate as possible in your description by checking the cabinet type (is it a twin, a deluxe, or linked-up stand-alones) so if there are 2 twins of OR2SP, instead of simply writing eg "OutRun 2 SP", write "OutRun 2 SP (2x Twin)".

Also verify the number of players (1P only, 2P sim, 4P alt, ...).

Finally, check the exact game version; Virtua Striker 2 is not the same as Virtua Striker 2 Version '98.

There are other rules, but we'll keep it short for now.

Thanks to all current and future contributors for leading the way! The database is very important since it feeds the search engine. Our goal is to offer the possibility to players to find any game, anywhere in Belgium. It's not a won battle but all together, we'll make it!

Players must unite to keep the fun alive! Cool

Visit the website. Wink
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