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 2007 contributors final ranking

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Number of posts : 6475
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

2007 contributors final ranking Empty
PostSubject: 2007 contributors final ranking   2007 contributors final ranking Clock_9Thu 24 Apr 2008 - 18:17

Here's the final Arcade Belgium database contributors top 10 for 2007:

1. Glenn Pellis - 156pt --> website king
2. Bartje17 - 40pt
3. Macklane - 36pt
4. MadDoctor - 6pt --> website
5. Meg' - 4pt --> website
6. Budo-ka - 3pt
7. Fixo - 3pt
8. Katsu - 3pt
9. CCL - 1pt
10. Malkavian - 1pt --> website

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest!


- 50 € coupon to buy DVDs, videogames or CDs.
- Arcade Belgium T-shirt
- 2008 arcade games flyers pack (european + japanese)
- one Sega medal

- 25 € coupon to buy DVDs, videogames or CDs.
- Arcade Belgium T-shirt
- 2008 arcade games flyers pack (european + japanese)
- one Sega medal

- 10 € coupon to buy DVDs, videogames or CDs.
- Arcade Belgium T-shirt
- 2008 arcade games flyers pack (european + japanese)
- one Sega medal

Prizes shipped earlier this week!

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2007 contributors final ranking
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