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 2009 contributors final ranking

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Number of posts : 6478
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

2009 contributors final ranking Empty
PostSubject: 2009 contributors final ranking   2009 contributors final ranking Clock_9Sat 14 Aug 2010 - 17:30

Here's the final Arcade Belgium database contributors top 10 for 2009:

End of 2009 - 119 locations in database.

1. Glenn Pellis - 16pts --> website king
2. Gilles54 - 6pts --> website
3. Macklane - 2pts
4. Meg' - 1pt --> website
5. La Taupe - 1pt --> website
6. Fixo - 1pt
7. Bartje17 - 0pt
8. MadDoctor - 0pt --> website
9. Budo-ka - 0pt
10. Katsu - 0pt

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest!

Prizes will be announced next month. Due to the bankrupt of our previous prize provider, alternative prizes have to be found. We're looking for cool stuff to give away...

2009 and 2008 prizes will be shipped at the same time.

Visit the website. Wink
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2009 contributors final ranking
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