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 The 6th Konami Arcade Championship

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Number of posts : 6470
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

The 6th Konami Arcade Championship Empty
PostSubject: The 6th Konami Arcade Championship   The 6th Konami Arcade Championship Clock_9Sat 11 Feb 2017 - 12:11

The 6th Konami Arcade Championship Kac6_00
Participating games:
- beatmania IIDX 24 Sinobuz
- DanceDanceRevolution A
- Gitadora Tri-Boost Revolve GuitarFreaks
- Gitadora Tri-Boost Revolve DrumMania
- jubeat Qubell
- MÚSECA 1+1/2
- pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume
- Reflec beat - The Reflesia of Eternity
- Sound Voltex IV - Heavenly Heaven
- Mah-jong Fight Club Zero
- Quiz Magic Academy Tokyo Grimoire

The 6th Konami Arcade Championship Kac6_01


Videos of final rounds at JAEPO 2017:

Satellite Stage Day 1:

BEMANI Live Broadcast Day 1:

Main Stage Day 1:

Live broadcast to come:

BEMANI Live Broadcast Day 2:

Online on Sunday at 1:30AM CET

Satellite Stage Day 2:

Online on Sunday at 2:00AM CET

Main Stage Day 2:

Online on Sunday at 2:00AM CET

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The 6th Konami Arcade Championship
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