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  pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume    pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume Clock_9Sat 1 Oct 2016 - 13:32

Konami celebrates pop’n music’s 18th anniversary with a big news for the fans: a new pop'n music game is coming. It’s titled Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume (The rabbit, the cat, and the boy’s dream). New characters and songs are announced and a new type of note (rumoured to be hold note)!

A location test is held at the Game Skilhat Dice (Kawasaki) until tomorrow.


Konami célèbre les 18 ans de pop’n music avec une bonne nouvelle pour les fans: un nouveau jeu pop'n music est en préparation. Il s'intitule Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume (The rabbit, the cat, and the boy’s dream). De nouveaux personnages et chansons sont annoncés ainsi qu'un nouveau type de note (les rumeurs annoncent l'arrivée de hold note)!

Un location test se tient jusque demain au Game Skilhat Dice (Kawasaki).


 pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume Popusaneko_01
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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume    pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume Clock_9Sat 17 Dec 2016 - 14:24

pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume  is out since December 14.


pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume  est sorti le 14 décembre.

 pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume Popusaneko_02

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 pop'n music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume Popusaneko_07

Pictures: 4Gamer
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