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 [FS] V-rally arcade

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Number of posts : 10
Age : 39
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2010-03-11

[FS] V-rally arcade Empty
PostSubject: [FS] V-rally arcade   [FS] V-rally arcade Clock_9Tue 26 Oct 2010 - 10:53

V-rally stand-up racer Inskor (2002).

The game is in good condition and fully working. The side art is nice and colourful on the left side, but has unfortunately been vandalised on the right side.
The game has a good display which is not burned-in. The game is on freeplay, but a coin checking device is present.
I would like to sell for €450

Het toestel is in goede staat en volledig werkend. De side art is mooi en onverkleurd langs de linkerkant, maar door vandalisme beschadigd aan de rechterkant. De display is goed en niet ingebrand.
Het toestel staat op freeplay, maar een muntproever is nog aanwezig.
De vraagprijs is €450

[FS] V-rally arcade Dsc08410
[FS] V-rally arcade Dsc08411
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[FS] V-rally arcade
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