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 Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)

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5 posters
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Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 11:36

From an operator route. All machines are sold together. No seperate sale.

Working (see remarks):
Sega daytona usa 2 twin sitdown - complete and working (ok: force feedback, controls, monitors, cpu. Errors: none)
Scud race twin sitdown - complete (ok: controls, monitors, cpu. Errors: one steering wheel is broken but a replacement is added, no force feedback)
Sega rally 1 twin sitdown - complete and working (ok: force feedback, controls, monitors, cpu. Errors: none)
Sega le mans 24 twin sitdown - complete (ok: controls, cpu, left monitor, force feedback. Errors: right side works but monitor is out)
Rush 2049 - single sitdown - complete and working (ok: force feedback, controls, monitors, cpu. Errors none)
Sega daytona usa 1 twin sitdown - complete (ok: force feedback, controls, monitors. Errors: cpu graphic errors on both sides)

Non working/ sold as untested:
Sega rally 2 deluxe sitdown (single) - complete & with large new lcd monitor (system does not boot at all, was stored as working)
Sega rally 2 deluxe sitdown (single) - sold untested
Scud race deluxe sitdown (single) - complete with large new lcd monitor (sold untested, was stored as working)

with a lot of spare sega pcb cages/boards and misc. parts to make a few fixes

Pictures (online this evening)

Price for the complete LOT: 6000 euro.
Pick up only @ Kortrijk / Courtrai (BE)

Last edited by DavidPinballWizz on Tue 20 Nov 2012 - 10:12; edited 4 times in total
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Giga member
Giga member

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Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Thu 8 Nov 2012 - 19:10

i might be interested by 1 racer, but not 9!

You should consider selling them separetly, no one need 9 racers, even an operator.

Just my 2 cents. Wink
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Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 451
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City : Seneffe
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-07-24

Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Fri 9 Nov 2012 - 8:05

What would be the price for daytona 2 ?
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Number of posts : 5
Age : 44
Country : Hungary
Registration date : 2012-03-24

Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Sat 10 Nov 2012 - 8:35


How much is it? "Sega rally 2 deluxe sitdown (single) - sold as untested"
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Valued member
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Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Mon 12 Nov 2012 - 13:20

Some tests have been done and remarks are written above, pictures will be online this evening.

No seperate sale.
Price is added.
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Valued member
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Number of posts : 73
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2011-06-01

Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Sat 17 Nov 2012 - 8:19

All pictures online:
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Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 451
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Registration date : 2005-07-24

Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Sat 17 Nov 2012 - 8:49

I put Daytona2 on Hold if you're gonna split the lot.
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Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Sat 17 Nov 2012 - 8:50

No put on hold / reservations possible for a single machine
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Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 451
Age : 39
City : Seneffe
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-07-24

Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Sat 17 Nov 2012 - 17:19

I just said , I'd like to put on hold "IF" you decide to split the lot ... Smile
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Number of posts : 73
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Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Tue 20 Nov 2012 - 10:13

priceupdate: 6000 euro
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Number of posts : 73
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Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 18:06

Lot est réservé.
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Valued member
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Number of posts : 73
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2011-06-01

Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Fri 28 Dec 2012 - 12:47

Et vendu ici dans le forum!
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Valued member
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Number of posts : 61
Age : 43
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Registration date : 2014-03-17

Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Wed 19 Mar 2014 - 11:05

Que reste t il a vendre ?
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Number of posts : 61
Age : 43
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2014-03-17

Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9Wed 19 Mar 2014 - 11:05

Que reste t il a vendre ?
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Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)   Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...) Clock_9

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Lots of sega Arcade Racers (daytona 1&2,scud race,rally...)
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