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 [Search] Old busted Arcade Cabinet

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Number of posts : 3
Age : 39
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2009-07-15

[Search] Old busted Arcade Cabinet Empty
PostSubject: [Search] Old busted Arcade Cabinet   [Search] Old busted Arcade Cabinet Clock_9Wed 15 Jul 2009 - 13:31

Hi there.
First of all
Je suis desolé, mais mon francais et terible Smile
So I'll do it in English (or flemish if you want)

I'm looking for a busted arcade cabinet.
The cabinet itself (the shell) should be decent.
But it can be empty or filled with broken hardware.
for a very reasonable price offcourse.

This because I like restoring retro stuff.

I got all other parts that are needed in a original cabinet.
But the cabinet itself was busted beyond imagination Wink
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[Search] Old busted Arcade Cabinet
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