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 [VENDU/SOLD] 2 tickets - Coldplay 26/10/2005 - Sportpaleis

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Number of posts : 4440
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[VENDU/SOLD] 2 tickets - Coldplay 26/10/2005 - Sportpaleis Empty
PostSubject: [VENDU/SOLD] 2 tickets - Coldplay 26/10/2005 - Sportpaleis   [VENDU/SOLD] 2 tickets - Coldplay 26/10/2005 - Sportpaleis Clock_9Mon 24 Oct 2005 - 14:37

2 tickets pour le concert de Coldplay "Twisted Logic Tour 2005" (sold out) au Sportpaleis Antwerpen du mercredi 26/10/2005 à 20h30.

Places situées au bloc 123, rang 33, chaises 5 et 6.

120 €

A venir prendre en mains propres à Andenne.

Paiement à la livraison.


2 tickets for the Coldplay "Twisted Logic Tour 2005" (sold out) concert at Het Sportpaleis Antwerpen on wednesday 26/10/2005 (20:30).

Seats are located at block 123, row 33, places 5 and 6.

120 €

You have to pick them up in Andenne (and pay at that time).
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[VENDU/SOLD] 2 tickets - Coldplay 26/10/2005 - Sportpaleis
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