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Age : 45
City : Andenne
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Shimensokas Empty
PostSubject: Shimensokas   Shimensokas Clock_9Mon 23 Dec 2024 - 11:40

Shimensokas Shimensokas_logo

Shimensokas, a game by Success, was released on 25 November on Sega ALL.Net P-ras Multi Version 3.

This is an omnidirectional shooting puzzle game that can only be played solo.

Shoot, hit and destroy the balls coming at you from 360 degrees.

This is a puzzle game in which you shoot and eliminate balls that approach the center.
The player can fire number balls from their ship. If the balls that hit each other have the same number, they will stick together, and if they have different numbers, they will bounce off.
When the number of stuck balls reaches or exceeds the number, the balls will disappear.
Each time you erase a ball, the speed at which it approaches will increase.


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