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 pop'n music Jam&Fizz

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

pop'n music Jam&Fizz Empty
PostSubject: pop'n music Jam&Fizz   pop'n music Jam&Fizz Clock_9Sat 16 Nov 2024 - 11:37

pop'n music Jam&Fizz Popnjam_logo

The lastest pop'n music game is out since September 25.

In the previous game, you had to set the speed at which notes fall and the appearance of "Pop-kun" for each song individually. In this game, the settings are saved for each song and each score, so you can play with the same settings in the future once you set them.

The "GUIDE SE" option, which plays a sound according to the judgment when "Pop-kun" is hit, has added a "volume adjustment function" that allows you to set the volume.

A "quick quit feature" has been added so that you can quickly quit a song if something isn't going well.


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