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 Bowling de Namur (Saint-Servais)

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Number of posts : 6470
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Bowling de Namur (Saint-Servais) Empty
PostSubject: Bowling de Namur (Saint-Servais)   Bowling de Namur (Saint-Servais) Clock_9Tue 19 Mar 2024 - 20:05

Bowling in Saint-Servais (Namur). Features pool tables, an indoor playground for kids and a laser game.

They removed their pinball machine but added boxers, cranes and a curved air hockey table.

There already were 2 Dirty Drivin' cabinets. They added a Jurassic Park Arcade and a Cruis'n Blast deluxe machine (1-player).

Address: Chaussée de Perwez 251, 5002 Saint-Servais

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