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 Galactic Battleground

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Number of posts : 6478
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Galactic Battleground Empty
PostSubject: Galactic Battleground   Galactic Battleground Clock_9Fri 15 Mar 2024 - 18:32

Galactic Battleground Gbg_00

Galactic Battleground is a retro inspired 2vs2 space shooting game developed by Slackerz Inc. and marketed by Indie Arcade Wave.
The game was created by Kelly Pangburn (head developer) and Dylan Davis (Graphic designer) as a 1vs1 Galaga-inspired death match. It later evolved into a 2vs2 game (as it proved to be the most enjoyable game mode). The game has a built-in adaptive AI, so there are always 4 players in the game.


- 4-player cocktail cabinet: $5499
- 4-player deluxe cabinet (with spectator screen): $4999
- 4-player deluxe cabinet: $4599

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Pictures by Indie Arcade Wave.

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