Sunparks Vielsalm
- What's the exact address and contact details (phone nr, e-mail, fax if any)?
Sunparks Vielsalm
Rue de la Grotte 12
6690 Vielsalm
Tel +32 80 21 57 76
- (facultative) Can you provide us with a foto of the front (take other locations pictures on the website as an example)?
not yet
- What does Sunparks Vielsalm have of Arcades?
- 2 * Scudrace Duo (so 4players total)
- TimeCrisis 2 (Duo)
- Maximum Speed (Duo)
- Confidential Mission (2player)
- Rolling extreme (Stand version)
- Virtua Tennis (Naomi)
- Silent Scope 2 Fatal Judgement
- Suzuka 8 hours 2 (Duo)
- Sports Shooting USA (2player)