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 Asphalt Moto Blitz DX

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Number of posts : 4440
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Asphalt Moto Blitz DX Empty
PostSubject: Asphalt Moto Blitz DX   Asphalt Moto Blitz DX Clock_9Sat 6 Jan 2024 - 13:16

Asphalt Moto Blitz DX is a new motorcycle/car racing game from Wahlap/LAI Games and the next game in the Asphalt series after Asphalt 9 Legends.


14 motorcycle models from authorised manufacturer: Ducati, Honda, KTM, Yamaha, Pagani,...
6 super car NPC opponent
15 tracks taking place in these locations: Scottish Highlands, New York City, Shanghai harbor, the Nevada Desert and Osaka Japan
7.5Million Style combination
4 motorcycle racing modes:  Classic; Mix Tournament; 1 on 1, and Curfew mode
49" 4K LCD monitor
Online leaderboards and updatesracing
Exclusive to arcades with specially redesigned software based upon Asphalt 8
Linkable up to 4-player
Avatar camera for each player
3-axis motion base to simulate the road
Wind effects synced to the gameplay
Coin, DBA or card swipe ready

Asphalt Moto Blitz DX Asphaltmotoblitz_01

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Asphalt Moto Blitz DX Asphaltmotoblitz_10
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Asphalt Moto Blitz DX
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