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 Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap   Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap Clock_9Sun 19 Mar 2023 - 14:44

Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap Shanghai4_logo

Success released Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap on ALL.Net P-ras Multi Version 3 on March 16.

This is the first numbered title in 30 years since the arcade released of the classic puzzle/mahjong game Shanghai III in 1993.

Shanghai IV features 20 stages but unfortunatly is only 1P.  The concept is still the same, you have to erase the same tiles two by two from the piled mahjong tile while paying attention to running out of time. The layout of each stage will change each time you play.


Success a sorti Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap sur ALL.Net P-ras Multi Version 3 le 16 mars.

Il s'agit de la première suite chiffrée du classique jeu de puzzle/mahjong Shanghai III sorti en arcade en 1993.

Shanghai IV propose 20 stages mais n'est malheureusement jouable qu'en solo. Le concept est toujours le même, vous devez effacer deux par deux les mêmes tuiles de la pile de tuiles de mahjong tout en faisant attention à ne pas dépasser le temps imparti. Le layout de chaque stage change à chaque partie.


Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap Shanghai4_01

Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap Shanghai4_02

Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap Shanghai4_03

Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap Shanghai4_04

Shanghai IV - Dragon Gate Leap Shanghai4_05
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