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 grijpkraan - claw machine - machine à grappin tabletop 2023

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made for arcade

Number of posts : 3
Age : 56
City : hilvarenbeek
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2022-12-17

grijpkraan - claw machine - machine à grappin  tabletop 2023 Empty
PostSubject: grijpkraan - claw machine - machine à grappin tabletop 2023   grijpkraan - claw machine - machine à grappin  tabletop 2023 Clock_9Tue 3 Jan 2023 - 15:58

Professional all metal tabletop claw machine with coin acceptor , extensive hidden options, LED lighting and so much more. Also works on Euro’s , Dollars or other coin money.

starting at EU 485,-

order here :

You’ll keep coming back to it

no-one can keep their hands off of a claw machine. It’s instinct , it’s magnetic , you just have to try it one time (and then a few more)

The attraction of the skill-crane or claw machine is universal. Easy to operate with the joystick and large pushbutton. This professional tabletop claw machine has got all the features to make you good money, or to entertain people for many years to come.

Equipped with professional options to set gameplay, skill level, background music and more. Also includes game counters and LED lighting.

grijpkraan - claw machine - machine à grappin  tabletop 2023 Colors-636x1024

built in coin acceptor

Yes, that’s right ! You can make money with this machine. A full featured computer controlled coin acceptor is also included with this machine.

Home-use : It’s the perfect piggy bank. Save money each time you play.

professional use : Make a handsome profit as this machine pays for itself over and over and over again. Simply unpack the machine, plug it in, set it to paid mode and start collecting coins.

The coin acceptor will automatically detect EURO’s , DOLLARS and other coins. Simply place a coin of choice in the built-in coin analizer and the machine will do the rest.

grijpkraan - claw machine - machine à grappin  tabletop 2023 Menu3-e1656007095359

You determine the payout ratio

As the owner of this skill claw machine you can set a lot of parameters to “steer” luck a certain way. Set gameplay to easy and have your players walk away with more prizes, set the win rate a little lower or the claw voltage a little less and you earn more coins. This machine comes with an extensive hidden owners menu to set all parameters.

more information @
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