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Le Deal du moment : -21%
-21% Vidéoprojecteur Xgimi MoGo 2 Pro Full HD
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369.99 €


 Hi, I am Pete and I represent Made For Arcade - BE / NL

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made for arcade

Number of posts : 3
Age : 56
City : hilvarenbeek
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2022-12-17

Hi, I am Pete and I represent Made For Arcade - BE / NL Empty
PostSubject: Hi, I am Pete and I represent Made For Arcade - BE / NL   Hi, I am Pete and I represent Made For Arcade - BE / NL Clock_9Tue 27 Dec 2022 - 22:23


I represent Made for Arcade , a company that once started out as a hobby project and has since grown to provide arcade machines throughout Western Europe.
Our logistics, office management, design dept. and purchasing power piggy-backed on some of our other, well established, companies so we have had a real jump-start and have grow fast.Tthe golddigger coin pusher for instance is our own design and we are worldwide brand owner for several machines.

We specialise in coin pusher and mini-claw machines but also provide complete and personalised gameroom solutions for companies, private parties and temporary events.

We have locations in BE and NL and dispatch from our own warehouses.


Hi, I am Pete and I represent Made For Arcade - BE / NL Kleuren-led-1024x582
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Hi, I am Pete and I represent Made For Arcade - BE / NL
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