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 Naomi Sanwa monitor help

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Number of posts : 1
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2022-01-08

Naomi Sanwa monitor help Empty
PostSubject: Naomi Sanwa monitor help   Naomi Sanwa monitor help Clock_9Sat 8 Jan 2022 - 23:01

Hi there,

Like many here, I too bought an arcade cab and am now looking for help...

I got a Sega Naomi 2 upright that I will be completely restoring to it's original condition. Cabling, paintwork, controls etc I'll all be doing myself. However, the Philips monitor that was in the cabinet is now (rightfully!) sitting in the recycling center and I was able to buy an original Sanwa monitor. However, it's old and has a dim and soft image.

I want to restore this cabinet to it's former glory so I'm hoping there is some electronics genius out there that is willing to either completely recap/restore this monitor for me or, help me to some documentation/step by step on how to do this myself.

I don't have (recent) sodering skills but am willing to give it a shot. However, CRT seems like scary stuff to me if I'm honest. If you are someone or know someone that can provide this service for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Obviously, I'll compensate you for time, materials, etc.. The monitor and chassis I can bring over to you and collect after the repair.

I live in the Limburg area in Belgium but would be happy to travel some distance if you feel like helping out a fellow arcade nut!

As a sidenote: I have an additional Naomi 2 board that is in great condition as well as a spare copy of Virtua Strikers 3 that I'm happy to part with if you are willing to help out (on top of payment)

Thanks for reading.
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Naomi Sanwa monitor help
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