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 Gamma Fighters

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Number of posts : 6478
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Gamma Fighters Empty
PostSubject: Gamma Fighters   Gamma Fighters Clock_9Sun 28 Nov 2021 - 23:35

Quarter Lounge arcade in Bedford, Texas (USA) is currently organizing a test party of a new 3-player shoot'em up called "Gamma Fighters". The release is planned for early 2022.


La salle d'arcade Quarter Lounge à Bedford, Texas (USA) organise actuellement une soirée test d'un nouveau shoot'em up à 3 joueurs appelé "Gamma Fighters". La sortie est prévue pour le début de l'année 2022.

Quarter Lounge Arcade wrote:
Quarter Lounge Arcade is going to unveil its brand new arcade game GAMMA FIGHTERS as a preview players release on Sunday November 28th. It is our way of saying thank you to all of our fans and loyal customers over the years and will contain 2 levels of play. We are looking for play testers throughout the day and will be taking notes on what players want to see. Game play, friendship, discussions on development and good old fashion arcade fun will be had.
What is this GAMMA FIGHTERS you speak of? Well it is a 3 player vertical Shoot ‘Em Up (SHMUP) done in the style of the great bullet hell games of yesteryear. It touts a 42 inch vertical screen, haptic feedback for each player and external light interaction.
Quarter Lounge has brought you a couple greats in the past like “BIG TETRIS” the Texas sized Tetris arcade game from 1988 brought into the 20th century with style. We also brought you our home made fortune teller “Zartan the Magnificent” where thousands of you have been entertained and received your fortune cards.
Well now we are and have been working hard to create the only super 3 player vertical shooter arcade game in existence. This is an exclusive game created by Quarter Lounge Arcade from the ground up. We have worked with artists to purchase game assets like graphics and sounds. This unveiling will be available for 1 day only to get player feedback, take notes and continuing development so we can officially release the full game in early 2022.
Some things to look forward to:
• 1 credit high score challenge
• 3 player interaction
• High resolution arcade game for lots of play field movement and action
• 6 power up levels to strive for total dominance
• Super bombs that not only attack the enemies but mop up bullets at the same time
• Bonus pickups that creates a competitive atmosphere among the players
• End level player stats screen
• AI logic that makes for fierce game play
• Mid-level and End level bosses that trigger an arcade cabinet light show when destroyed
• External cabinet light alerts when your ship is hit by an enemy bullet
• Every play tester will receive a two for one arcade entrance card for your next visit. Bring a date or friend for free!


Gamma Fighters Gf_01

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Gamma Fighters Gf_03
Cabinet pictures by: Alan T

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