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 Modify the MS9-29 to run at 31KHz

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Modify the MS9-29 to run at 31KHz Empty
PostSubject: Modify the MS9-29 to run at 31KHz   Modify the MS9-29 to run at 31KHz Clock_9Sat 26 Dec 2020 - 13:25

Here is a writeup by Mike J. Moffit on modifying the MS9-29 to run at 31KHz (VGA hi-res) and improve sharpness through G1 voltage:

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Number of posts : 58
Age : 44
City : Lille
Country : France
Registration date : 2008-03-12

Modify the MS9-29 to run at 31KHz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Modify the MS9-29 to run at 31KHz   Modify the MS9-29 to run at 31KHz Clock_9Fri 29 Jan 2021 - 21:11

Thanks for this article. I don't understand why nobody talks about it more than that?
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Modify the MS9-29 to run at 31KHz
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