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 Sound Voltex Exceed Gear

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2 posters

Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Empty
PostSubject: Sound Voltex Exceed Gear   Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Clock_9Fri 4 Sep 2020 - 11:46

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_01

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear is on location test at GAME Silk Hat Kawasaki Dice until Sunday September 6. Sunday being a test of the 2-player mode only.

Like all new music game games, the new Valkyrie cabinet uses a 120Hz monitor as well as a small secondary screen and the new Gungnir-R sound system. Of course, new cards are also issued.

Official website:


Sound Voltex Exceed Gear est en location test au GAME Silk Hat Kawasaki Dice jusqu'au dimanche 6 septembre. Dimanche sera réservé au test du mode 2 joueurs.

Comme tous les nouveaux jeux musicaux, la nouvelle borne Valkyrie utilise un écran 120Hz ainsi qu'un petit écran secondaire et le nouveau système audio Gungnir-R. Evidemment, de nouvelles cartes sont disponibles.

Official website:


Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_02

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_03

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_04

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_06

Location test pictures:
Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_05

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_07

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_08

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_09

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_11

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_10
Pictures by Otaquest, Bemanistyle, Pas & Kitten.

Visit the website. Wink
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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sound Voltex Exceed Gear   Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Clock_9Sun 14 Feb 2021 - 13:45

PV of the new Valkyrie cabinet that will be available late February.


PV de la nouvelle borne Valkyrie qui sera disponible fin février.

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sound Voltex Exceed Gear   Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Clock_9Sat 1 May 2021 - 12:34

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear that was out since February in the new SOUND VOLTEX -Valkyrie model- cabinet can be played in all type of cabinets since April 26th.


Sound Voltex Exceed Gear qui était sorti depuis février dans la nouvelle borne  SOUND VOLTEX - modèle Valkyrie - peut être joué dans tous les types de bornes depuis le 26 avril.

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_11
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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sound Voltex Exceed Gear   Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Clock_9Sun 23 Jan 2022 - 10:22

Sound Voltex celebrated its 10th anniversary on January 18th with a series of special events, including the addition of a 10th anniversary track and a campaign to win an original design e-amusement pass card. The campaign will end on March 21st.

A special website is available:

Sound Voltex a célébré son 10ème anniversaire le 18 janvier avec une série d'événements spéciaux, dont l'ajout d'une chanson spéciale 10ème anniversaire et une campagne pour gagner une carte e-amusement au design original. La campagne se terminera le 21 mars.

Un site spécial est disponible:

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_12

Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Sveg_13t
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PostSubject: Re: Sound Voltex Exceed Gear   Sound Voltex Exceed Gear Clock_9

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