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 Fix distorted sound in Cave 68000 games

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Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Fix distorted sound in Cave 68000 games Empty
PostSubject: Fix distorted sound in Cave 68000 games   Fix distorted sound in Cave 68000 games Clock_9Fri 27 Mar 2020 - 19:45

Hatsune Mike posted a tweet explaining how to fix the clipping sound in some Cave games:

Hatsune Mike wrote:
Fix the distorted sound in DoDonPachi, ESP Ra De, and Dangun Feveron by correcting a factory flaw in Cave’s JAMMA boards. Replace the resistors R8 and R14 with 12k ones, and the clipping artifacts will go away.


Hatsune Mike a tweeté comment corriger le son qui sature dans certains jeux Cave:

Pour corriger les problèmes de son dans DoDonPachi, ESP Ra De et Dangun Feveron, il faut remplacer les résistances R8 et R14 par des résistances de 12k.

Fix distorted sound in Cave 68000 games Cave_sound_fix
Picture by Hatsune Mike.

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