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 Project Neon

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Project Neon Empty
PostSubject: Project Neon   Project Neon Clock_9Sun 8 Dec 2019 - 12:32

Project Neon Pn_00

Project Neon is a new vertical shoot'em up by Australian developer Fullset that will be released in December 2020.
It will be released on Neo Geo MVS and will require a vertical monitor (an option to play on an horizontal monitor with switched controls is planned).

The game will feature 5 levels with big end bosses, support 2-player with co-op mechanics and will run at 60fps.
It will include many different types of ground and air enemies and a familiar end boss.
Regarding weapons, there are primary (bullets) and secondary weapons (beams and auto-aim rockets) that can be powered-up.

The Kickstarter campaign was cancelled on November 29, 6 days before the end. Only AU$21189.32(€13106) of the required AU$50000 (€30927) had been gathered making the goal unreachable in such a short amount of time. The game is available as pre-order from the developer's website:

The standard edition is AU$450 (€282.95) and includes:
- the MVS cartridge in a cardboard box
- access to the alpha version in ROM form
- a digital copy of the soundtrack
- a wallpaper for mobile and desktop

The collector edition is AU$550 (€345.95) and includes:
- the MVS cartridge in a box
- access to the alpha version in ROM form
- a digital copy of the soundtrack
- a wallpaper for mobile and desktop
- a shockbox storage case
- a "Project Neon" coffee cup
- an instruction sheet, an A3 poster and an A4 marquee
- a "Project Neon" T-Shirt (Unisex)
- a sprite sticker sheet

Ordrs shipping target is December 2020.

- Code and project lead: Sascha "Coinfeeder" Reuter
- Graphics: Adam "Wacko" Rakic
- FM synth music and sound effects: Nathan "Freezedream" Stanley
- Concept art: Nadir Aslam
- Tooling and cartridge production support: Hpman


Project Neon Pn_01

Project Neon Pn_02

Project Neon Pn_03

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Project Neon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Neon   Project Neon Clock_9Thu 30 Apr 2020 - 19:09

News from the development of Project Neon:

  • Graphics have been improved a lot.
  • 4 of the 5 level designs are completed and implemented with different scroll layers, animations, loop sections and some graphics effects like rain and dust.
  • More advanced bullet patterns are implemented (targeted, spread, spirals, ...)
  • All the different enemy patterns across the different levels are still to be implemented. The intro is being worked at in parallel.
  • Target release date is still December 2020.


Nouvelles du développement de Project Neon:

  • Le graphisme a été grandement amélioré.
  • le design de 4 des 5 niveaux est terminé et implémenté avec un scrolling sur plusieurs plans, des animations, des sections en boucle et quelques effets graphiques comme de la pluie et de la poussière.
  • Des patterns de tirs plus élaborés ont été implémentés (ciblées, dispersé, spirales, ...)
  • Les différents patterns d'ennemis doivent encore être implémentés dans tous les niveaux. Le travail sur l'intro est réalisé en parallèle.
  • La sortie du jeu est toujours prévue pour décembre 2020.

As you can see, a lot of improvement has been made in the graphics department:
Comme vous pouvez le voir, le graphisme a grandement été amélioré:
Project Neon Pn_04

Picture of a new boss:
Image d'un nouveau boss:
Project Neon Pn_05

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Project Neon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Neon   Project Neon Clock_9Sun 12 Jul 2020 - 11:28

A Scene from the attract mode. Graphics by Sonreir:
Une scène de l'attract mode. Graphisme par Sonreir:

Project Neon Pn_06

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Project Neon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Neon   Project Neon Clock_9Sun 21 Jan 2024 - 15:00

Design/prototyping of the cartridges has started and pre-orders are open again.
Shipping is planned for March/April 2024.

The new prices are:
Standard edition: $550 (AUD) - 339,95€
Collectors edition: $650 (AUD) - 401,95€

The standard edition includes:
  • Boxed MVS cartridge
  • A digital copy of the Project Neon Soundtrack
  • Wallpaper for mobile and desktop

The Collectors edition adds:
  • A limited shockbox storage case
  • A limited "Project Neon" coffee cup
  • Printed accessories (instruction sheet, A3 poster, A4 marquee)
  • A limited "Project Neon" T-Shirt (Unisex)
  • A Sprite sticker sheet

Pre-order here:

New features have been added to the game:
- Soft-dips for setting numbers of ships per coin, switching between TATE/YOKO mode, and per-game demo sound setting
- Correct handling of multi-slot boards to ensure things like passing control back to MVS after the intro/attract scene ends or the player switches between games on the title screen when a coin is inserted
- Hi-score table, including saving support
- Display of available coins
- System (AES/MVS) and region (JPN, US, EUR) specific behavior, e.g. single with separate coin counter, virtual coins

Stage 1 video (July 2023):

Project Neon Pn_07

Project Neon Pn_08

Project Neon Pn_09

Project Neon Pn_10

Project Neon Pn_11

Project Neon Pn_12

Project Neon Pn_13

Project Neon Pn_14

Project Neon Pn_15

Project Neon Pn_16

Project Neon Pn_17

Project Neon Pn_18

Project Neon Pn_19

Project Neon Pn_20

Project Neon Pn_21

Project Neon Pn_22

Project Neon Pn_23

Project Neon Pn_24

Project Neon Pn_25

Project Neon Pn_26

Project Neon Pn_27

Project Neon Pn_28

Project Neon Pn_29

Project Neon Pn_30

Project Neon Pn_31

Project Neon Pn_32

Project Neon Pn_33

Project Neon Pn_34

Project Neon Pn_35

Project Neon Pn_36

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Project Neon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Neon   Project Neon Clock_9

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Project Neon
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