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 Mai Shiranui from The King of Fighters '98 figure

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Age : 43
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Mai Shiranui from The King of Fighters '98 figure Empty
PostSubject: Mai Shiranui from The King of Fighters '98 figure   Mai Shiranui from The King of Fighters '98 figure Clock_9Sun 17 Nov 2019 - 2:42

A 16cm figure of Mai Shiranui in her King of Fighters '98 outfit is currently available at most Taito Station game centers and Round 1 in Japan.

It's a Noodle Stopper Figure by FuRyu.

It has been spotted in Shibuya, Asakusa,Yokohama and Edogawa.

I spent €25 in a Clena Flex to get it. Which is honest I guess (could have done better though).


En ce moment, on peut attraper une figurine de 16cm de Mai Shiranui dans son costume de King of Fighters '98 dans les salles Taito Station et les Round 1 au Japon.

C'est une figurine de la gamme Noodle Stopper Figure de FuRyu.

Elle a été aperçue à Shibuya, Asakusa,Yokohama et Edogawa.

J'ai dépensé 25€ dans une Clena Flex pour l'avoir, ce qui est honnête je pense (j'aurais pu l'attraper plus vite mais bon...).

Mai Shiranui from The King of Fighters '98 figure Maikof98_01

Mai Shiranui from The King of Fighters '98 figure Maikof98_02

Mai Shiranui from The King of Fighters '98 figure Maikof98_03

Mai Shiranui from The King of Fighters '98 figure Maikof98_04

Pictures by Taito Station Nishikasai and Taito Station Yokohama.

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