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 Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition

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Number of posts : 6487
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition   Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition Clock_9Sat 16 Nov 2019 - 17:46

Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition Aofex_01

An SNK art exhibition organized by INDOR is held at Akiba CO gallery until Sunday November 24th.
The gallery is located in Akihabara's main street just outside Suehirocho subway station (Ginza line).
Opening times are: from 14:00 to 20:00 during the week and from 12:00 to 19:00 on weekends.

Here you'll be able to purchase exclusive merchandise such as T-shirts, badges, stickers, bags, etc...



Une exposition SNK organisée par INDOR se tient à la galerie Akiba CO jusqu'au dimanche 24 novembre.
La galerie se trouve dans la rue principale d'Akihabara à côté de la station de métro Suehirocho (ligne Ginza).
Elle est ouverte en semaine de 14h à 20h et le week-end de midi à 19h.

On peut y trouver des goodies exclusifs comme des T-shirts, des badges, des stickers, des sacs, etc...


Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition Aofex_02

Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition Aofex_03

Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition Aofex_04

Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition Aofex_05

Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition Aofex_06

Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition Aofex_07

Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition Aofex_08
Pictures by INDOR.

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Garou Densetsu - Art of Fighting Art Exhibition
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