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 Lightning Knights

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Lightning Knights Empty
PostSubject: Lightning Knights   Lightning Knights Clock_9Sun 27 Jan 2019 - 14:57

Lightning Knights Lk_00

Lightning Knights is the arcade version of Iron Crypticle by English developers Confused Pelican Games and Tikipod.

This 4-player dungeon RPG-shooter that will be released on exA-Arcadia.


Lightning Knights est la version arcade d'Iron Crypticle des développeurs anglais Confused Pelican Games et Tikipod.

Ce jeu d'action RPG pour 4 joueurs sortira sur exA-Arcadia.

From the official website:

Quote :
A mysterious, malevolent force has abducted Cryptonia's princess - along with the king's royal golden treasures (shaped curiously like large foodstuffs...).

The King's washed-up knights must suit up and descend into the ancient palace crypts on a rescue mission!
Iron Crypticle Red Knight Iron Crypticle Green Knight

Get ready for GHOULISH arcade action in this epic medieval twin-stick dungeon shooter. Up to 4 players (local co-op) can fight together to SMASH through all manner of ghouls and fiends.

Grab loot and gobble up food to build up your XP. UPGRADE your abilities to help you face the challenges of the lower floors! UNLOCK new weapons and magical items as you progress. Collect magical gauntlets to power your explosive ATOMIC FIST!

IRON CRYPTICLE is inspired by arcade classice such as Smash TV - deepened by item collection systems akin to Bubble Bobble / Rainbow Islands - and all placed in a Ghosts and Goblins / Gauntlet style medieval setting!

To survive past the Guardians of each floor, you'll need to upgrade your abilities! Speed, Damage, Fire Rate and Weapon Duration can all be upgraded either from shops or through careful chaining of food pickups.

Most enemies drop a food item (cake, sweets, fast-food, fruit...). You must try to balance chain-collecting these, against fighting off the hordes of enemies.

Route selection is very important too, with each floor made up of a branching system of different rooms. Each room type has their advantages and disadvantages - plus with each playthrough the rooms all shift about and reform, just to keep you on your toes!

To aid you on your quest there are a range of weapons, magical scrolls and items to unlock. For close combat emergencies you can rely on your dash move for a quick escape, or activate your Atomic Fist to punch a hole in the enemy ranks.

Be sure to visit the cat merchant to see what is on offer. Or try the arcade room to earn extra coins and health. You can play solo or up to 4 player local CO-OP; either way you`ll find the crypts run deep with many secrets to uncover on your adventures in IRON CRYPTICLE.

Summary of of the games key features include:

Battle the crypt monsters and large bosses by yourself, or up to 4 player local Co-Op.

Carefully select your own route - through the mysterious, ever changing palace crypts.

Unlock and fight with a myriad of weapons, magic scrolls and items.

Gobble tasty foods and grab shiny treasures to increase your XP.

Upgrade your abilities if you want to survive the lower crypt floors.

Chaining collecting items or go shopping to upgrade SPEED, DAMAGE, FIRE RATE and WEAPON DURATION.

Collect coins, then shop for new items in the cat merchant shops.

Seek out arcade rooms, and play `Castle Crushers` to win prizes.

Dash through enemies to both evade and harm them.

Collect charges for your Atomic Fist, able to clear away small areas of enemies.

Uncover more of the crypts secrets on each playthrough!

More info:


JAEPO 2019 pictures:
Lightning Knights Lk_01

Lightning Knights Lk_02

Lightning Knights Lk_03
Pictures by TusharHFA.

Lightning Knights Lk_04

Lightning Knights Lk_05

Lightning Knights Lk_06

Lightning Knights Lk_07

Lightning Knights Lk_08

Lightning Knights Lk_09

Lightning Knights Lk_10

Lightning Knights Lk_11

Lightning Knights Lk_12

Lightning Knights Lk_13

Visit the website. Wink

Last edited by Nomax on Sat 23 May 2020 - 15:14; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Lightning Knights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lightning Knights   Lightning Knights Clock_9Sun 25 Aug 2019 - 14:12

Lightning Knights is on location test at Mikado game center in Ikebukuro until August 31st.


Lightning Knights est en location test au game center Mikado d'Ikebukuro jusqu'au 31 août.

Lightning Knights Lk_14

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Lightning Knights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lightning Knights   Lightning Knights Clock_9Thu 13 Feb 2020 - 22:19

Lightning Knights (4-player action game) is now available for pre-order both as a software kit and in bundle with the exA-Arcadia system.

The software kit includes:
- the game cartridge
- an A1 poster
- instruction sheet
- instruction strips in Japanese and English

Software kit (SGD$1,649 / €1,095):

Bundle (SGD$4,399 / €2,919):

The game will likely ship in March 2020.


Lightning Knights (un jeu d'action à 4 joueurs) est à présent disponible en pré-commande sous forme de software kit et en pack avec un système exA-Arcadia.

Le software kit inclus:
- la cartouche du jeu
- un poster au format A1
- une feuille d'instructions
- des bande d'instructions en japonais et en anglais

Software kit (SGD$1,649 / 1095€):

Bundle (SGD$4,399 / 2919€):

Le jeu devrait sortir au mois de mars 2020.

Lightning Knights Lk_15

Lightning Knights Lk_16

Lightning Knights Lk_17

Lightning Knights Lk_18

Lightning Knights Lk_19

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Lightning Knights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lightning Knights   Lightning Knights Clock_9Fri 15 May 2020 - 23:14

Lightning Knights is out today:
Lightning Knights sort aujourd'hui:

Arcade trailer:

New artwork:
Lightning Knights Lk_20

Arcade screenshots:
Lightning Knights Lk_21

Lightning Knights Lk_22

Lightning Knights Lk_23

Lightning Knights Lk_24

Lightning Knights Lk_25

Lightning Knights Lk_26

Lightning Knights Lk_27

Lightning Knights Lk_28

Lightning Knights Lk_29

Lightning Knights Lk_30

Lightning Knights Lk_31

Lightning Knights Lk_32

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Lightning Knights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lightning Knights   Lightning Knights Clock_9Wed 10 Jun 2020 - 22:59

Iron Crypticle (Switch) / Lightning Knights (arcade) side-by-side comparison:

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Lightning Knights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lightning Knights   Lightning Knights Clock_9Sat 15 Aug 2020 - 14:55

Full playthrough:

How to play (Japanese version):

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Lightning Knights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lightning Knights   Lightning Knights Clock_9Sun 29 Nov 2020 - 20:21

A 4-player setup of Lightning Knights is on location test at location test at Club exA in Tachikawa, Tokyo for one week.


Une installation pour 4 joueurs de Lightning Knights est en location test au Club exA à Tachikawa (Tokyo) pour une semaine.

Lightning Knights Lk_33

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PostSubject: Re: Lightning Knights   Lightning Knights Clock_9

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Lightning Knights
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