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 [Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean

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Number of posts : 4488
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Empty
PostSubject: [Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean   [Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Clock_9Sun 13 Jan 2019 - 13:18

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_logo

Pirates of the Caribbean is a pinball from Jersey Jack Pinball. It was presented at IAAPA 2018.

There are 3 versions: Standard Edition., Limited Edition and  Collector's Edition.

Jersey Jack Pinball wrote:
This fast-playing, challenging and feature packed game captures memorable scenes and elements from all top five motion pictures in the series, and hosts 3.25 sextillion game play variations, so you’ll never play the same game twice. Players can choose to play as one of 22 movie characters, fire their pinball-loaded cannon from the rocking Black Pearl on the upper playfield and enjoy features such as a mechanical spinning disc map with 216 animated award combinations for gamers to experience.


Pirates of the Caribbean est un flipper de chez Jersey Jack Pinball. Il a été présenté à l'IAAPA 2018.

Il y a 3 versions: Standard Edition., Limited Edition and  Collector's Edition.

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_01

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_02

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_03

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_04

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_05

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_06

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_07

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_08

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_09

[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean Potc_10
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[Pinball] Pirates of the Caribbean
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