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 maimai Deluxe

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Number of posts : 4487
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: maimai Deluxe   maimai Deluxe Clock_9Sat 12 Jan 2019 - 14:50

maimai Deluxe Maimaidx_logo

The new version of maimai will be present on Sega booth at JAEPO 2019.


La nouvelle version de maimai sera présente sur le stand de Sega à la JAEPO 2019.

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Number of posts : 4487
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

maimai Deluxe Empty
PostSubject: Re: maimai Deluxe   maimai Deluxe Clock_9Sat 26 Jan 2019 - 13:29

First info about maimai Deluxe :

- the cabinet is 15% larger than before
- a headphone jack is present
- new functions will be added
- players will be able to make icon with the picture taken by the camera


1ères infos sur maimai Deluxe :

- la  borne est 15% plus large qu'avant
- une prise casque est présente
- de nouvelles fonctionnalités seront ajoutées
- les joueurs peuvent faire des icônes avec les photos prises par la caméra

maimai Deluxe Maimaidx_01

maimai Deluxe Maimaidx_02

maimai Deluxe Maimaidx_03

Pictures: 4Gamer and Game Watch
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Number of posts : 4487
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: maimai Deluxe   maimai Deluxe Clock_9Sat 13 Jul 2019 - 14:12

maimai Deluxe is available since July 11.


maimai Deluxe est disponible depuis le 11 juillet.

maimai Deluxe Maimaidx_big
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Number of posts : 4487
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

maimai Deluxe Empty
PostSubject: Re: maimai Deluxe   maimai Deluxe Clock_9Thu 15 Aug 2019 - 9:17

The international version of maimai deluxe is scheduled to go live within 2019.


La version internationale de maimai deluxe est prévue pour cette année.
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Number of posts : 6490
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

maimai Deluxe Empty
PostSubject: maimai DX International Version   maimai Deluxe Clock_9Fri 3 Apr 2020 - 17:05

Interview of maimai director Koha-D about the international version:
(Japanese version available on Facebook:

maimai Deluxe Maimaidxp_02

maimai DX International ver. wrote:

Many of you may already know that Koha-D (コハD) is the director of maimai and other SEGA arcade music games. But is that all you know?
Ha! It’s your lucky day! 🌟
I have randomly asked Koha-D some questions which I was curious about~ Maybe something you will be interested too!

👀Me: What is your hobby?
🗣Koha-D: Creating games. My job is my hobby!

👀Me: What is your favorite food?
🗣Koha-D: Curry, ramen noodles, hamburger and else. I actually like all major food which Japanese likes LOL

👀Me: Do you have any favorite quotes or motto?
🗣Koha-D: Rather than creating 1 normal game for 1 million people, I prefer to make 1 special game just for 10 thousand people which can change their lives.

👀Me: What do you treasure the most?
🗣Koha-D: My family and friends.

👀Me: Anything you dislike?
🗣Koha-D: Giving up an important thing just because of an unimportant reason.

👀Me: Anything you want to do currently? Any targets?
🗣Koha-D: I want to create new games!

👀Me: Do you have any favorite songs within maimai DX International Version?
🗣Koha-D: ‘福宿音屋魂音泉’. The Touch Notes design is really awesome!

👀Me: Any unforgettable memories while developing maimai DX International Version?
🗣Koha-D: Definitely the license issue… My heart was screaming and crying while deleting the songs one by one…

👀Me: Anything you are looking forward to right now?
🗣Koha-D: To develop a unique operation just for the International Version. With surprises of course.

👀Me: If you can leave a message to the friends who played maimai DX International Version, what would you say?
🗣Koha-D: I would like to sincerely thank you for playing maimai DX International Version. Without your help, I don’t think I can bring maimai DX to different countries and areas.
In the Japan Version, we gather different comments from players and adjust our operation accordingly. I hope we can do the same in the International Version so please do not hesitate to let us know your thoughts.
We are planning on something special but it’s better to keep it as a surprise for now.
Thank you for the supports once again!

maimai Deluxe Maimaidxp_03

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Number of posts : 6490
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: maimai Deluxe   maimai Deluxe Clock_9Tue 7 Apr 2020 - 17:48

Interview of maimai mascot HAPPY:
(Japanese version available on Facebook:

maimai Deluxe Maimaidx_04 maimai Deluxe Maimaidx_05

maimai DX International ver. wrote:

I hope you like the ‘Koha-D Q & A’ section which I have posted last week~

There is another very important person, Ah… character? Ah… animal? 😅 that I would like to introduce!
Our mascot + top player + Notes designer ------ HAPPY(はっぴー)!!!!🐶

HAPPY said that it will be very nice if I can have a Q & A section of him too~
And now, I'm going to make his dream comes true! 🧞‍�

👀Me: What is your hobby?
🐶HAPPY: Play music games, drawing (mainly doodles or scribbles)

👀Me: What is your favorite food?
🐶HAPPY: Neapolitan pasta

👀Me: Do you have any favorite quotes or motto?
🐶HAPPY: If you want to make others happy, you need to be happy and enjoy it first!

👀Me: What do you treasure the most?
🐶HAPPY: All my thoughts and feelings while I am still a normal player. Which leads to ‘what you think and feel currently’.

👀Me: Anything you dislike?
🐶HAPPY: Anything which is troublesome!

👀Me: Anything you want to do currently? Any targets?
🐶HAPPY: Travel around the world!

👀Me: Do you have any favorite songs within maimai DX International Version?
🐶HAPPY: バーチャルダム ネーション

👀Me: Any unforgettable memories while developing maimai DX International Version?
🐶HAPPY: They didn’t translate my drawing contents…!!!

👀Me: Anything you are looking forward to right now?
🐶HAPPY: I hope the total maimai players around the world reaches One Hundred Million!!

👀Me: If you can leave a message to the friends who played maimai DX International Version, what would you say?
🐶HAPPY: Each set of maimai DX allows 2 players to play together! So please do invite your family or friends or boy-friend or girl-friend or colleagues to play together!!!! If you do so, I guarantee you can get 5 TRILLION TIMES of FUN!

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Number of posts : 6490
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

maimai Deluxe Empty
PostSubject: Re: maimai Deluxe   maimai Deluxe Clock_9Mon 13 Apr 2020 - 10:51

Create a title for maimai DX International Version!

Submit an original title on maimai International Ver. Facebook page and it might appear in the game.

  • Text must be in English or Japanese and can have punctuation.
  • Maximum 30 characters in total.
  • Please share your idea by making a comment under this post:
  • Deadline is the 31st of May 2020.

Créez un titre pour maimai DX International Version!

Proposez un titre original sur la page Facebook de maimai International Ver. Facebook page et vous le verrez peut être apparaître dans le jeu.

  • Le texte doit être en anglais ou en japonais et peut contenir de la ponctuation.
  • 30 caractères au total.
  • Les idées sont à soumettre en commentaire de ce post:
  • La date limite est fixée au 31 mai 2020.

maimai Deluxe Maimaidx_06

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PostSubject: Re: maimai Deluxe   maimai Deluxe Clock_9

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