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 [Pinball] Deadpool

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Number of posts : 4485
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Pinball] Deadpool Empty
PostSubject: [Pinball] Deadpool   [Pinball] Deadpool Clock_9Sun 6 Jan 2019 - 16:44

Deadpool is a new pinball from Stern Pinball. Three versions are available: Pro, Premium and Limited Edition.

Official page:

Stern Pinball wrote:
“Deadpool” is known as the “Merc with a Mouth” because of his talkative nature & is notorious for his outrageously funny offbeat humor which is featured throughout the game.

Players will be immersed in the Deadpool universe, teaming up with iconic X-Men characters Wolverine, Dazzler, Domino, and Colossus as they battle against infamous villains Juggernaut, Sabretooth, Mystique, Sauron, and Mr. Sinister. Players will also tag along with Deadpool on his time machine quests as he battles against the T-Rex and the Megalodon.

Stern’s Deadpool Pro, Premium, and Limited Edition models feature stunning and distinctive hand-drawn art by renowned illustrator Zombie Yeti. Well known actor Nolan North stars as the eccentric voice of Deadpool. Each game features a 3-bank drop target with a ball lock that’s guarding a custom molded Lil’ Deadpool bash toy target. In addition, all models include two stainless steel and wireform ramps with a Katana Sword ramp return. Deadpool pinball entertains with an amazing array of ninjas, vampires, and chimichangas, making it suitable for all skill levels.

The Premium and Limited Edition models feature an additional 8 drop targets, motorized disco ball with disco illumination effects, custom molded Wolverine and Dazzler action figures, and with a custom molded chimichanga truck time machine. In addition, these models include an actuated up/down ramp that feeds the right flipper from the left orbit, keeping the action continuous and fast. All Premium models will include a custom “Deadpool’s Mix Tape” cassette featuring 11 original music tracks with sleeve art by Zombie Yeti.

Pro Edition
[Pinball] Deadpool Deadpool_01

Premium Edition
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Limited Edition
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