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 Xeno Crisis

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Xeno Crisis   Xeno Crisis Clock_9Sun 23 Dec 2018 - 12:13

Xeno Crisis Xc_00

Xeno Crisis is a new game made by small English studio Bitmap Bureau. In this game inspired by Mars TV and Alien Breed, marines are making their way through colonial complexes infested with aliens.

Players can shoot in 8 directions and use an escape technique or grenade to get out of difficult situations. The goal is to reach the boss room at the end of each level, the maps and room layouts being randomly generated at the start of each new game. The game is composed of 6 huge levels with various environments. Killing all aliezns are not the only thing to do, there are also survivors to be saved. Dog-tags are dropped after a number of enemies killed. These tags can be exchanged for bonuses such as medikits, speed-up bonus or weapon upgrades. Speaking of weapons, there are 9 differents but ammo are limited so you'll have to use them wisely while kiling the 40 types of enemies encountered. 3 game modes (arcade, inifinite and boss rush) and 2 levels of difficulty are planned. If a player dies in a 2-player game, he will have to wait for his colleague to reach the next room to be able to reappear.

Les 9 armes sont:

  • Pulse Rifle
  • Spread Shot
  • Laser
  • Homing
  • Flamethrower
  • Rocket launcher
  • Shotgun
  • Rebound
  • Vulcan

The game was originally developed for the Sega Mega Drive. It will eventually be released on several platforms: Dreamcast, PC, Switch, PS4, Neo-Geo AES and MVS!

The MVS version is available in 2 editions:

The standard edition priced at £199 includes the cartridge in a cardboard box and a dipswitch sheet.

For £269, the collector edition avalaible for pre-order until the end of January adds a mini-marquee, movelist strips, an art set, 2 A3-sized posters, the OST CD, dog-tags and your name assigned to an hostage in the game.

The Neo-Geo version will be released during the second quarter of 2019, you may pre-order the game here:

The game soundtrack by Savaged Regime is available as vinyl and CD.

The development team is:

  • Mike Tucker (game design, programming)
  • Matt Cope (programming)
  • Henk Nieborg (lead design, graphics)
  • Catherine Menabde (graphics)
  • Savaged Regime (sound, music)

Kickstarter page:

Developers interview by Sega Mag:,+developpeurs+de+Xeno+Crisis-news-11228.htm



Xeno Crisis est un nouveau jeu développé par le petit studio anglais Bitmap Bureau. Inspiré entre autres par Mars TV et Alien Breed, il met en scène des marines se frayant un chemin dans des complexes coloniaux infestés d'aliens.

Les joueurs peuvent tirer dans 8 directions et utiliser une technique d'évasion ou une grenade pour se tirer des situations difficiles. Le but est d'atteindre la salle du boss, le plan des salles et leur agencement étant généré aléatoirement à chaque partie. Le jeu est composé de 6 vastes niveaux aux environnements variés. Il ne suffira pas de dézinguer de l'alien à tout va puisqu'il y aura aussi des survivants à sauver. Des plaques d'identification tombent après un certain nombre d'ennemis tués. Ces plaques peuvent être échangées contre des bonus comme des medikits, de l'accélération ou des améliorations d'armes. En parlant d'armes, il y en a 9 différentes mais les munitions sont limitées donc il faudra bien gérer ses tirs face aux 40 types d'ennemis rencontrés. 3 modes de jeux (arcade, inifinite et boss rush) et 2 niveaux de difficulté sont prévus. Lorsqu'un joueur meurt dans une partie à 2 joueurs, il doit attendre que son collègue atteigne la pièce suivante pour réapparaître.

Les 9 armes sont:

  • Fusil à impulsions
  • Tir à propagation
  • Laser
  • Tête chercheuse
  • Lance-flammes
  • Lance-roquettes
  • Fusil à pompe
  • Rebond
  • Vulcain

Ce jeu a été développé à l'origine sur Mega Drive. Il sortira finalement sur plusieurs plate-formes: Dreamcast, PC, Switch, PS4, Neo-Geo AES et MVS!

La version MVS (puisque c'est celle qui nous intéresse) est disponible en 2 éditions:

L'édition standard à 199£ comprend la cartouche dans une boite en carton et une feuille détaillant les dipswitches.

Pour 269£, l'édition collector disponible en pré-commande jusque fin janvier offrira en plus la mini-marquee, des strips d'instruction, un art set, 2 posters au format A3, le CD de la bande son, des plaques d'identification et votre nom assigné à un otage du jeu.

La version Neo-Geo sortira au deuxième trimestre 2019, les précommandes s'effectuent ici:

La bande son de Savaged Regime est disponile en vinyl et en CD.

L'équipe du jeu se compose de:

  • Mike Tucker (game design, programmation)
  • Matt Cope (programmation)
  • Henk Nieborg (lead design, graphisme)
  • Catherine Menabde (graphisme)
  • Savaged Regime (sons, musique)

Page Kickstarter:

Interview des développeurs par Sega Mag:,+developpeurs+de+Xeno+Crisis-news-11228.htm


Xeno Crisis Xc_01 Xeno Crisis Xc_02

Xeno Crisis Xc_03 Xeno Crisis Xc_04

Xeno Crisis Xc_05

Xeno Crisis Xc_06

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Xeno Crisis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xeno Crisis   Xeno Crisis Clock_9Sun 3 Feb 2019 - 16:29

MVS collector edition pre-order closes on February 4th. After that, only the standard edition will be available.

Les pré-commandes de l'édition collector MVS se terminent le 4 février. Seule l'édition standard sera disponible après cette date.

MVS PCB prototype:
Xeno Crisis Xc_07

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Xeno Crisis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xeno Crisis   Xeno Crisis Clock_9Sun 26 Jan 2020 - 12:16

Xeno Crisis development progress:

Bitmp Bureau wrote:

The last couple of months it’s been tough trying to balance finishing the last bits of the Dreamcast and Neo Geo versions alongside the manufacturing and shipping of the Mega Drive / Genesis orders! So to speed things up, we brought in Steve Longhurst from “DO Games” to help finish off the Dreamcast version, leaving Matt’s time focused on the Neo Geo version so we can finish them both in parallel.

Steve’s already got to grips with the Dreamcast codebase and is ramping up quickly with implementing extended features like vibration, twin stick and VMU support. We’re also extremely grateful for the recent advice and help from Ste at HD Retrovision, as we look to ensure the Dreamcast version is of the highest quality in all regions and the various video output types / modes.

Matt’s made really good progress with the Neo Geo version, implementing all the specific Neo Geo features like Hard / Soft DIP switch support, attract sequences, coin / credit behaviours, backup memory, memory cards and so on. Now that we’re nearing the end of development, we’re ramping up our game testing on as many AES and MVS hardware revisions as we can just like we did on the Mega Drive version.

Xeno Crisis Xc_08

We’re pleased to say that all the Neo Geo AES / MVS plastics arrived just before Christmas and we’re really happy - the quality is excellent and we hope that you will be equally pleased with them, as they’re as close to the originals as we could hope for. Here are a few pictures of them for you to take a look at:

Xeno Crisis Xc_09

Xeno Crisis Xc_10

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: Xeno Crisis   Xeno Crisis Clock_9Sun 6 Dec 2020 - 20:24

Latest Xeno Crisis developments:

Xeno Crisis Xc_11

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Xeno Crisis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xeno Crisis   Xeno Crisis Clock_9Fri 21 May 2021 - 2:40

Latest Xeno Crisis developments:

To sum up:
- Neo-Geo version is gold! Only the hostage names need to be updated.
- The MVS version is available at Bitmap Bureau online shop for £299:
(until June 1st, use XENO25 code at check out for a 25% discount)
- Buyers of the physical copy will receive a ROM image for free. The ROM files will be made available for purchase separately at a later date.


Dernières évolutions de Xeno Crisis :

Pour résumer :
- La version Neo-Geo est terminée ! Seuls les noms des otages doivent être mis à jour.
- La version MVS est disponible sur la boutique en ligne de Bitmap Bureau pour 299£:
(Jusqu'au 1er juin 2021, utilisez le code XENO25 lors de la finalisation de la commande pour une réduction de 25%)
- Les acheteurs de la version physique recevront gratuitement la ROM. La ROM sera disponible à l'achat séparément à une date ultérieure.

Attract sequence:

Gameplay (AES version):

Xeno Crisis Xc_12

Xeno Crisis Xc_13

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Xeno Crisis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xeno Crisis   Xeno Crisis Clock_9Mon 30 Aug 2021 - 3:19

Xeno Crisis MVS PCBs are all flashed and carts assembled.


Toutes les PCBs de Xeno Crisis ont été flashées et les cartouches MVS assemblées.

Xeno Crisis Xc_14

Xeno Crisis Xc_15

Xeno Crisis Xc_16
Source: Bitmap Bureau

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PostSubject: Re: Xeno Crisis   Xeno Crisis Clock_9

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