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PC Portable Gamer LENOVO LOQ 15” 144hz i5-12450HX -24Go/512Go – ...
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Number of posts : 6478
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Racecraft Empty
PostSubject: Racecraft   Racecraft Clock_9Sun 21 Jan 2018 - 19:08

Racecraft Rc_00

Racecraft is a coin-op F1 racing simulator made in Italy. It's developed by Vae Victis and Sany, produced by Octavian and distributed by Tecnoplay.

The cabinet features a huge screen and a professional force feedback steering wheel. The car moves on X and Y axis.
The game features 3 single players campaigns, up to 20 different tracks and 8 cabinets can be linked up for multiplayer.
There's also a kids mode for younger players.
Racecraft was presented at EAG International 2018 trade show.

Size of the machine:
2-player: width: 300cm x depth: 330cm x height: 210cm
4-player: width: 620cm x depth: 330cm x height: 210cm
8-player: width: 1500cm x depth: 330cm x height: 210cm


Racecraft est un simulateur automatique de F1 créé en Italie. Il est dévelopé par Vae Victis et Sany, produit par Octavian et distribué par Tecnoplay.

La borne possède un écran gigantesque et un volant à retour de force professionnel. La voiture bouge sur les axes X et Y.
Le jeu propose 3 campagnes solo, jusqu'à 20 circuits différents et 8 bornes peuvent êtres reliées pour le multijoueur.
Il y a aussi un mode adapté aux enfants.
Racecraft fut présenté au salon EAG International 2018.

Taille de la machine:
2-player: largeur: 300cm x profondeur: 330cm x hauteur: 210cm
4-player: largeur: 620cm x profondeur: 330cm x hauteur: 210cm
8-player: largeur: 1500cm x profondeur: 330cm x hauteur: 210cm

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Racecraft Empty
PostSubject: Re: Racecraft   Racecraft Clock_9Thu 1 Feb 2018 - 16:20

Racecraft @ EAG 2018:

Racecraft Eag18207b

Racecraft Eag18208b

Racecraft Eag18209b

Racecraft Eag18210b

Racecraft Eag18211b

Racecraft Eag18212b

Racecraft Eag18213b

Racecraft Eag18214b

Racecraft Eag18215b

Racecraft Eag18216b

Racecraft Eag18217b

Racecraft Eag18218b

Racecraft Eag18219b
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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Racecraft Empty
PostSubject: Re: Racecraft   Racecraft Clock_9Sun 6 Jan 2019 - 17:30

According to Arcade Heroes, Tecnoplay announces that Racecraft is in production, the game will be soon available in Italy and they hope an international distribution around May/June.


D'après Arcade Heroes, Tecnoplay annonce que Racecraft est en production, le jeu sera bientôt disponible en Italie et ils espèrent une sortie internationale vers Mai/Juin.

Racecraft Racecraft_01

Racecraft Racecraft_02

Racecraft Racecraft_03

Racecraft Racecraft_04

Pictures: Arcade Heroes
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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Racecraft Empty
PostSubject: Re: Racecraft   Racecraft Clock_9Sun 19 Jan 2020 - 13:12

Racecraft @ EAG 2020:

Racecraft Eag20_148b

Racecraft Eag20_149b

Racecraft Eag20_150b

Racecraft Eag20_151b

Racecraft Eag20_152b

Racecraft Eag20_153b

Racecraft Eag20_154b
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Number of posts : 6478
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Racecraft Empty
PostSubject: Re: Racecraft   Racecraft Clock_9Sun 19 Dec 2021 - 17:44

Racecraft EVO info:


Infos sur Racecraft EVO:

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Racecraft Empty
PostSubject: Re: Racecraft   Racecraft Clock_9

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