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 Aka & Blue Type-R

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sat 13 Jan 2018 - 15:01

During the game music festival "JAPAN Game Music Festival II: Re", the company Tanoshimasu announced an arcade version of it's smartphone game Aka to Blue. The arcade version will be named Aka to Blue Type R.

Aka to Blue is a vertical scrolling shooting game released in September 2017. Hiroyuki Kimura (ex-Cave) is the game director. The game title refers to the colors of the two charcters (red and blue). The first uses a flared shot in a burst and the second a more tightened and slightly more powerful shot.

According to Tanoshimasu, it seems that this work is expected to be a different game from the smartphone version, he chose the name "Type R" as an abbreviation for "type revolution". The following adjustments will be made for Aka to Blue Type R:
- Change screen ratio from 16:9 to 4:3
- Optimize operation system from touch to control panel
- Readjustment of enemy arrangement due to screen ratio
- Changing some game systems
- Improved the texture resolution of some background graphics
- Detail up of some enemy ships

The game is scheduled to be released in 2018.


Lors du festival de musique de jeu "Japan Game Music Festival II: Re", la société Tanoshimasu a annoncé une version arcade de son jeu smartphone Aka to Blue. La version arcade s'appellera sera nommée Aka to Blue Type R.

Aka to Blue est un shoot vertical sorti en septembre 2017. Hiroyuki Kimura (ex-Cave) est le directeur du jeu. Le titre du jeu se réfère aux couleurs des deux personnages (rouge et bleu). Le premier utilise un tir évasé en rafale et le second un tir plus serré et un peu plus puissant.

Selon Tanoshimasu, ce titre devrait être un jeu différent de la version smartphone, ils ont choisi le "Type R" en tant qu'abréviation de "Type Revolution". Les ajustements suivants seront apportés à faits pour Aka to Blue Type R:
- le ratio passe de 16:9 à 4:3
- les commandes passent d'un écran tactile à un pannel classique
- réajustement de la position des ennemis dû au ratio
- modification de certains systèmes de jeu
- amélioration de la résolution des texture de certains graphismes d'arrière-plan
- détails de certains vaisseaux ennemis

Le jeu est prévu pour sortir en 2018.

Aka to Blue website:

Aka to Blue trailer and pictures:

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_01

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_02

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_03

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_04

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_05

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Fri 19 Jan 2018 - 16:03

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Tue 23 Jan 2018 - 21:26

Aka to Blue Type-R will be showcased on Safari Games's booth (A-12) at JAEPO 2018.

The game runs on exA-Arcadia hardware.


Aka to Blue Type-R sera présenté sur le stand de Safari Games (A-12) au salon JAEPO 2018.

Le jeu tourne sur le système exA-Arcadia.

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_07

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_08

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Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Tue 30 Jan 2018 - 22:26


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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Thu 1 Feb 2018 - 0:14

A secret closed location test is held somewhere in Tokyo (Mikado game center is believed to be the location).

Un location test privé a lieu quelque part à Tokyo (le game center Mikado est suspecté d'être l'endroit en question).

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_09 Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_10

exA-Arcadia is JVS compliant and support 31khz and 720p video output. Below is a comparison between the mobile version of Aka to Blue (in 720x1280) and the arcade version running in 1080x1920. The arcade version features extra graphical effects.

L'exA-Arcadia se connecte en JVS et dispose d'une sortie vidéo en 31khz et en 720p. Ci-dessous une comparaison entre la version mobile de Aka to Blue (en 720x1280) et la version arcade qui tourne en 1080x1920. La version arcade dispose d'effets visuels supplémentaires.

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_11 Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_12

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PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sat 10 Feb 2018 - 11:11

Aka to Blue Type-R @ JAEPO 2018

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_15

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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sun 11 Feb 2018 - 11:05

JAEPO 2018 flyers:
Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_13

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_14


Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_24

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_25

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_26

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_27

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_28

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_29

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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sun 11 Feb 2018 - 12:13

Aka to Blue Type-R will be on location test at Mikado game center in Shinjuku on February 12th.

Aka to Blue Type-R sera en location test le 12 février à la salle Mikado à Shinjuku.

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sun 25 Mar 2018 - 0:21

Aka to Blue Type-R is on location test at Fightcade Offline Festival 2.0 in Murchante, Spain this weekend.


Aka to Blue Type-R est en location test ce week-end au Fightcade Offline Festival 2.0 à Murchante en Espagne.

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sun 8 Jul 2018 - 13:06

Hiroyuki Kimura (Tanoshimasu CEO) interview by Shmup'em all:

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sun 22 Jul 2018 - 12:35

Aka to Blue Type-R will be showcased at California Extreme 2018 in Santa Clara next weekend.


Aka to Blue Type-R sera présenté le week-end prochain au California Extreme 2018 à Santa Clara.

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sat 27 Jul 2019 - 17:31

Aka to Blue Type-R is on location test at Game Ace Amusement (Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba) until Tuesday.


Aka to Blue Type-R est en location test au Game Ace Amusement (Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba) jusque mardi.

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_24
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Number of posts : 4474
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sat 3 Aug 2019 - 12:42

New location test at the game center Starfield (Niigata) until August 7.


Nouveau location test au game center Starfield (Niigata) jusqu'au 7 août.

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_25
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Number of posts : 4474
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sat 10 Aug 2019 - 12:44

A new location test started yesterday at Yu Space Magical (Hyogo). It will end on August 18.


Un nouveau location test a commencé hier au Yu Space Magical (Hyogo). Il se terminera le 18 août.

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_26

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_27

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Number of posts : 6476
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 0:18

Aka & Blue Type-R will be released in Japan on November 27.


Aka & Blue Type-R sortira au Japon le 27 novembre.

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Number of posts : 4474
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sat 16 Nov 2019 - 18:02

New features about Aka to Blue Type-R were unveiled at the press conference held on November 13:

- The resolution is scaled up from 720p for Aka to Blue to 1080p for Aka to Blue Type-R.
- The design of enemies, especially bosses, has changed significantly. The enemies animation pattern doubles and moves are more complex.
- The ships have higher details and realistic coloring.
- The background graphics have been redesigned.
- The character visual has also been renewed.
- There is no voice replacement in the main part of the game, but a new voice for Blue has been added for the tutorial mode.
- The BGM are arrangement versions of Aka to Blue musics. They are composed by several artists: Go Sato Band, FANTOM IRIS and O.T.K. The original composer, WASi303, is now the music producer. There are also new songs by but also new songs by Go Sato.
- The game supports both 9:16 and 3:4 vertical screens. The gameplay will change if the drawing size is different. In addition, horizontal screen (16:9/4:3) is also supported.


De nouvelles informations sur Aka to Blue Type-R ont été dévoilées lors de la conférence de presse le 13 novembre:

- La résolution passe de 720p pour Aka to Blue à 1080p pour Aka to Blue Type-R.
- Le design des ennemis, en particulier les boss, a considérablement changé. Les patterns des animations des ennemis ont doublé et leurs mouvements sont plus complexes.
- Les vaisseaux ont des détails plus élevés et une coloration plus réaliste.
- Les backgrounds ont été redessinés.
- Les visuels des personnages ont également été renouvelés.
- Il n'y a pas de changements dans les voix dans la majeure partie du jeu mais une nouvelle voix pour Blue a été ajoutée pour le mode tutoriel.
- Les BGM sont des versions arrangées des musiques d'Aka to Blue. Elles sont composés par plusieurs artistes: Go Sato Band, FANTOM IRIS et O.T.K.. Le compositeur original, WASi303, est maintenant le producteur de musique. Il y a aussi de nouvelles chansons de Go Sato.
- Le jeu prend en charge à la fois le 9:16 et le 3:4 sur des écrans verticaux. Le gameplay change en fonction du ratio. En outre, l'affichage horizontal (16:9/4:3) est également pris en charge.

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Thu 28 Nov 2019 - 1:17

Aka to Blue Type-R is out in Japan, you can already play it at the following game centers:
Aka to Blue Type-R est sorti au Japon, on peut déjà y jouer dans ces salles d'arcade:

  • Coffee Ricardo, Fukuoka
  • Comtech Tower, Nagoya
  • Game Corner Tobu, Sendai
  • Hey, Akihabara
  • Max Plaza Zentsuji, Kagawa
  • Nyarise, Nagano
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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sun 19 Jan 2020 - 14:12

A revised version of Aka & Blue Type-R has been sent to international customers. Here's an unboxing video by Westtrade.
Une version révisée d'Aka & Blue Type-R a été envoyée aux acheteurs internationaux. Voici une vidéo de déballage du kit par Westtrade:

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Aka to Blue Type-R Ver. Magic Spice   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sun 8 Mar 2020 - 14:35

A special limited time collaboration between Aka & Blue Type-R and the Magic Spice soup curry restaurants in Sapporo, Osaka and Nagoya started on March 6. This is the 2nd collaboration with Magic Soup, the first was held in the Tokyo restaurant from September to December 2019.

The collaboration is named "MAGIC SPICE × Gesen Mikado" and during the time of the event, a special version of Aka & Blue Type-R titled Aka to Blue Type-R Ver. Magic Spice is playable at the main Magic Spice restaurant in Sapporo. The game title screen is renewed with a Magic Spice theme and a dot character sprite is placed somewhere in the game...

5 limited collaboration menus including Soup Curry Chan Take, Soup Curry KMR, Soup Curry Ikedamino Rock and Mikado Chan Soda (Drink) are available. When you order any one of the above menus, you will get a random "Magic Spice × Gesen Mikado Original Collaboration Coaster" per order (two pieces if you order a set menu). There are 5 different coasters. The first 30 people who show the 5 coasters they possess will receive a "Collaboration Curry Spoon".

During the collaboration period, Gachapon vendor machine are installed in the tree restaurants and you can purchase 9 "Magic Spice × Gesen Mikado Collaboration Can Badges" for 300 yen each. You can also buy special T-shirts and Caps designed by the Magic Spice manager and designer of the menus and other pops.


Une collaboration spéciale limitée dans le temps entre Aka & Blue Type-R et les restaurants de curry Magic Spice de Sapporo, Osaka et Nagoya a débuté le 6 mars. Il s'agit de la 2ème collaboration avec Magic Soup, la première s'est tenue à Tokyo de septembre à décembre 2019.

Cette collaboration s'appelle "MAGIC SPICE × Gesen Mikado" et, pendant toute la durée de l'événement, une version spéciale d'Aka & Blue Type-R nommée Aka to Blue Type-R Ver. Magic Spice est jouable dans le restaurant Magic Spice de Sapporo. L'écran titre du jeu est redécoré avec un thème Magic Spice et un personnage en pixel art est caché quelque part dans le jeu...

5 menus de collaborations sont disponibles dont le Soup Curry Chan Take, le Soup Curry KMR, le Soup Curry Ikedamino Rock et le Mikado Chan Soda (boisson). Quand vous commandez un de ces menus, yous recevez  aléatoirement un sous-verre "Magic Spice × Gesen Mikado Original Collaboration Coaster" par commande (deux si vous commander un menu complet). per order (two pieces if you order a set menu). Il y a 5 sous-verres différents. Les 30 premières personnes qui présenteront les 5 sous-verres qu'elles possèdent recevront une cuillère spéciale "Collaboration Curry Spoon".

Pendant la collaboration, des distributeurs de Gachapon sont installés dans les 3 restaurants et vous pouvez acheter 9 badges "Magic Spice × Gesen Mikado Collaboration Can Badges" pour 300 yen chacun. Vous pouvez aussi acheter des T-shirts et des casquettes spéciaux designés par le manager de Magic Spoon qui est aussi en charge des designs des menus et autres publicités du restaurant.

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Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_36

Pictures: niconico and Famitsu
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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Thu 26 Nov 2020 - 21:40

Aka & Blue Type-R Ver. 1.2.0 will be released on November 27th, 2020. It uses a newer version of the Unity engine with reduced input lag.

Improvements in this version:
- Improved input latency (2-3 frames of input lag)
- Some graphical updates
- Better balance between the two ships
- Small bug fixes

The home version of Magic Spice Ver. (limited to 20 copies) is now titled "Aka to Blue Type Revolution Ver. MAXIMUM LIMITED 20"(shortened as "Ver. ML20") and receives the same improvements.

Here's the original announcement:
(translation below)


Aka & Blue Type-R Ver. 1.2.0 sortira le 27 novembre 2020. Cette version utilise une nouvelle version du moteur Unity avec un input lag réduit.

Améliorations dans cette version :
- Amélioration de l'input lag (2-3 frames)
- Quelques mises à jour graphiques
- Un meilleur équilibre entre les deux vaisseaux
- Corrections de petits bugs

La version home de la Magic Spice Ver. (limitée à 20 exemplaires) est maintenant intitulée "Aka to Blue Type Revolution Ver. MAXIMUM LIMITED 20"(abrégé en "Ver. ML20") et reçoit les mêmes améliorations.

Voici l'annonce originale :

Tanoshimasu wrote:
(automatic translation)
Thank you all for your hard work.

This is Kimura of Tanoshimasu.

To all those who have supported the "Aka to Blue Type Revolution Original Soundtrack

I am sorry that I have not been able to update you on our progress, etc. As November is coming to a close, I would like to give you a status report as we have come to the end of the month.

A report on the current activities of Tanoshimasu

We don't know if this has been made publicly available, but we have been informed that there was a problem with the exArcadia motherboard and the parts that are built into the Red and Blue Revolution game software, so we would like to inform all those who are playing the game and those who are running it. We are sorry for the inconvenience this situation has caused.

We apologise for the inconvenience, but "Red and Blue Type Revolution" is already in operation, and we have taken into consideration the loss to the shops if it does not work properly, and the difficult situation in the game centres due to the corona disaster. We have then taken this issue very seriously and have made it a top priority to address this issue.

Due to the above, there has been a slight delay in the production of the soundtrack and illustration book.

For those of you who are eagerly awaiting delivery, we are very sorry to report that this is not the case.

It would be presumptuous of me to say that instead, we're going to release an update to the new version of Type Revolution 1.2.0, which will make the system readjusted, improve the input latency and make the game easier to play. For the first time in almost a year, Tanoshimasu and Mr. Fujioka, who is in charge of programming, have worked hard to make the game more enjoyable for all those who have been playing it, and to make the game more appealing to customers in the shops.

Since Type Revolution is a title released in collaboration with exA-Arcadia, we were unable to announce the release of the new version at the sole discretion of one company, so we had to report on it after the event. We will be making an announcement at We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

About "Ver. 1.2.0

We have received an explanation of the update from Mr. Fujioka, so we are posting it here as is.

Improved input latency

Updating the exA-Arcadia motherboard to the latest IO libraries and the accompanying optimisation has brought us as close as possible to the JVS standard limit of less than two frames of input delay.

Being the only launch title released on exA-Arcadia in Japan, coupled with the use of a general-purpose game engine, we received some harsh criticism, but the exA-Arcadia development team, who worked with us on the production of the game, are glad that we were able to achieve the ideal measurement results. We are delighted. We are confident that after this update, your concerns and frustrations with the feel of the game will be resolved.

Some graphical updates

This one contains parts that are not visible to the eye, so we do not want to disclose details, but we have updated some graphics so that you can see the differences between versions at a glance.

Minor bug fixes

We have fixed a few visual defects that we have found. These are minor points, such as the position and orientation of effects, and do not affect gameplay.

Shipboard balancing

Originally, the Firebird was adjusted based on the instantaneous maximum firepower of the B.O.M.B. when it approached an enemy aircraft immediately after firing it and gave chase. Perhaps this is why it was perceived as having a significantly lower attack power than the Blue Earl. We have therefore readjusted the balance between the two machines to make them easier to play. These adjustments are not intended to lower the difficulty level, but to improve the feel of the game.

That's all Fujioka had to say about the update.

Here's what you need to know about the update

Points to note in the update of Ver. 1.2.0

This update data was mastered on 24 November 2020, and exA-Arcadia will be sending the update to game centres across the country from the following day, the 25th. The update will be provided in the old style, where the game software is shipped, updated and returned to us, so it will not be available all at once.

Also, please note that this update is only available to support those shops that have officially purchased the game, and will not be applied to second-hand copies of the game.

Next, let's take a look at the return gift, 'Aka to Blue: Type Revolution Ver. MAGIC SPICE Home Edition'.

About the game "Aka to Blue Type Revolution Version: MAGIC SPICE Home Edition

We are pleased to announce that we have changed the name of our new product line to "Aka to Blue Type Revolution Ver. MAXIMUM LIMITED 20 (ML20)". ML20). Please note that the reading of the name is "Maximum Limited Twenty".

About Ver. ML20

The basic system is based on "Ver. 1.2.0". The basic system is based on "Version 1.2.0", so you will be able to enjoy the latest version of "Type Revolution" at home.

As the catchphrase says, there are no plans to sell "Red and Blue Type Revolution" for individuals, so only the 20 people who support us will be able to play it!

Furthermore, for every ten supporters of the WASi303 Special Edition, you will receive a special white exArcadia motherboard with a comic book print of the crowdfunded Blue Thani motherboard. This is the first of its kind. This one is designed by me, and as of November 2, 2020, the print data has already been delivered, so it is awaiting production completion.

Differences between Ver. 1.2.0 and Ver. ML20

As mentioned in the description of the return gift, Ver. ML20 is implemented as a 'free play only' game with no coin operation, however, the game system has not been altered in any way and the start-up screen has been made exclusive to it so that you can enjoy the same excitement at home as in the arcade. Except for some graphical changes, the content is the same as in ver.1.2.0.

About Aka to Blue Type Revolution Original Soundtrack and Illustration Collection

As for the soundtrack, we have upgraded the soundtrack from the original plan, and we are doing our best to send it out in a luxurious edition with the sleeve case and picture label that was much talked about in "Watching the Crowdfunding End Distribution". The sleeve case, jacket and picture label will be newly drawn by Sahyu, who also illustrates for Aka to Blue.

I was only going to include the illustrations in the book, but I'm trying to add some setting material (a little bit, really...) and my column as a bonus.

Due to the above, it may take me a little while to complete the project, but I'm sure that the longer you wait, the better it will be for you, so please allow me to do my best to bring you something that meets your expectations.

We are aiming to have it done by the end of December, but we will let you know when we have a clearer timetable for delivery.

I'll do my best to send it out at the same time as the soundtrack, although the delivery of the coloured paper illustrations has been delayed due to the fact that I've ordered so many new illustrations from Sahyu.

That's it.

This is our report.

We, at Tanoshimasu, are here to support the game centres as they face this difficult situation, to the best of our ability. We would be very happy if "Aka to Blue Type Revolution Ver. 1.2.0" could bring a smile to your faces.

To all of you who have been supporting Tanoshimasu, we apologise for the inconvenience, but we will continue to do our best to make the product even more enjoyable for you.

We look forward to your continued patronage and support.

We'll take it easy!

Tanoshimasu Co.

Representative Director Hiroyuki Kimura

Aka & Blue Type-R Atb_38

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Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Tue 29 Nov 2022 - 22:25

The price of Aka & Blue Type-R will increase at 16:00 CET on November 30th.

So, if you don't own this masterpiece yet, you have less than 18 hours to purchase it at the current price (1.569,99€ ex. VAT / 1.899,69€ inc. VAT).

Send an e-mail to before tomorrow at 16:00 CET to secure your order.

Every customer gets a free MP07-IONA-US JVS to USB converter, which allows you to use USB controllers with your exA-Arcadia!

A soon-to-be released update (version 1.2.1) will bring the following changes:
  • Reduced input lag from 2 frames to 1 frame.
  • Added setting to configure different costs for game start and game continue.
  • Fixed save data loss bug when powering off during the Test Menu.
  • Expanded game quit command to now work in game during Free Play.
  • Reduced Free Play manual quit timer from 15 seconds to 3 seconds.
  • Compatible with the APM2/3 cabinets' Home button.
  • DIP 3 now rotates the screen orientation 180 degrees.
  • JVS' standard compatibility added.


Le prix d'Aka & Blue Type-R augmentera le 30 novembre à 16h00 CET.

Donc, si vous ne possédez pas encore ce chef-d'œuvre, il vous reste moins de 18 heures pour l'acheter au prix actuel (1569,99€ HTVA / 1899,69€ TVAC).

Envoyez un e-mail à avant demain 16h00 CET pour sécuriser votre commande.

Chaque client reçoit gratuitement un convertisseur JVS vers USB MP07-IONA-US qui vous permet d'utiliser des manettes USB avec votre exA-Arcadia !

Une mise à jour qui sera bientôt publiée (version 1.2.1) apportera les changements suivants :

  • Réduction du délai d'entrée de 2 frames à 1 frame.
  • Ajout d'un paramètre permettant de configurer des coûts différents pour le démarrage et la poursuite du jeu.
  • Correction d'un bug de perte de données de sauvegarde lors de la mise hors tension pendant que le menu de test est affiché.
  • Extension de la commande "quitter le jeu" qui fonctionne désormais dans le jeu en mode free play.
  • Réduction du délai de sortie manuelle en mode free play de 15 secondes à 3 secondes.
  • Compatible avec le bouton Home des bornes APM2/3.
  • Le DIP 3 fait maintenant pivoter l'orientation de l'écran de 180 degrés.
  • Ajout de la compatibilité du standard JVS'.

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Tue 28 Nov 2023 - 19:20

Aka & Blue Type-R 1CC by Juan A. Fernández:

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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Mon 15 Jan 2024 - 23:00

A new edition of Aka & Blue Type-R is available now.

It includes an additional poster and a new artset (including Vewlix artworks in English and Japanese).

A Limited Edition is also available with a Sanwa joystick accessory set and 3 exA buttons, as well as a 180cm character POP of your choice (Aka Sheenk, Blue Cerny, Murasaki Edou or Kuro Guhro).

The new artset and character POPs are also available separately.


New standard edition:
Aka & Blue Type-R Exa-001_08

Limited edition:
Aka & Blue Type-R Exa-001_09

Character POPs:
Aka & Blue Type-R Exa-001_10

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PostSubject: Re: Aka & Blue Type-R   Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9

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