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 [Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy

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Number of posts : 4488
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Empty
PostSubject: [Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy   [Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Clock_9Sun 24 Dec 2017 - 15:16

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_00

Stern Pinball wrote:
The game will immerse players in a dynamic, challenging, and galactic pinball environment where Star-Lord, Rocket, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, and Groot battle Ronan to stop him from using the Infinity Stone to destroy the galaxy.

Stern’s Guardians of the Galaxy Pro, Premium, and Limited Edition models are packed with features that provide an irresistible gameplay experience.  Each game features a sculpted and interactive ball-eating Groot.  In addition, a custom sculpted Rocket figure will keep players on their toes as it blasts the ball back at rocket speed.  Color-changing inserts highlight the mysterious and interactive Orb, which opens to reveal the powerful Infinity Stone.  The Limited Edition and Premium models also feature extra magnets, custom artwork, RGB lighting, and sculpted Groot arms that sprawl across the playfield.

Official pages:

Star Wars Pro:

Star Wars Premium:

Star Wars Limited Edition:

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_01
Pro model

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_02
Limited Edition model

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_03

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_04

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_05

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_06

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_07

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_08

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_09

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_10

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_11

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_12

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_13

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_14

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_15

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_16

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_17

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_18

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_19

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_20

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_21

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_22

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Gog_23

All pictures from Stern Pinball.
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Number of posts : 4488
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy   [Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Clock_9Sun 21 Jan 2018 - 15:37

Guardians of the Galaxy @ EAG 2018:

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Eag18131b

[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy Eag18132b
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[Pinball] Guardians of the Galaxy
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