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 [Looking for/recherche] Seat rails for Sega racing game

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Age : 43
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Looking for/recherche] Seat rails for Sega racing game Empty
PostSubject: [Looking for/recherche] Seat rails for Sega racing game   [Looking for/recherche] Seat rails for Sega racing game Clock_9Mon 18 Sep 2017 - 21:52


I'm looking for a set of seat rails used in many Sega racers (Model 3, F355, OutRun2, Initial D 1-3).

It should be complete with adjustment lever on one of them (as you can see on the picture below, mine had the lever torn off).

Thanks in advance. Very Happy



Je recherche un set de glissières pour siège utilisées dans de nombreux jeux de course Sega (Model 3, F355, OutRun2, Initial D 1-3).

Elles doivent être complètes avec le levier d'ajustement sur l'une d'elles (comme vous pouvez le voir sur l'image ci-dessous, le levier a été arraché sur ma borne).

Merci d'avance. Very Happy

[Looking for/recherche] Seat rails for Sega racing game Sega_rails

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[Looking for/recherche] Seat rails for Sega racing game
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