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 Réparation Terminator 2

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2 posters

Number of posts : 13
Age : 43
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2017-06-08

Réparation Terminator 2 Empty
PostSubject: Réparation Terminator 2   Réparation Terminator 2 Clock_9Wed 16 Aug 2017 - 11:52

I have the following set of problems with my Midway Terminator 2: Judgement Day arcade cabinet (revision LG1 – 11/04/91)

Problem 1: The machine was imported from Germany sometime by the previous owner. All of the art is in English, as well as all of the in-game audio. The in-game text however, is set to German.
Using the online manual :
I found that it can be set to English using the dip switches on DS2: SW1 and SW2 must be set to “off” to enable “USA” settings. I have tried this, it didn’t work. Instead I can achieve “USA” settings with putting SW1 on and SW2 off. It even says so in the diagnostic screen.
However, the in-game text is still displayed in German.

Problem 2: I have altered the game’s difficulty in the diagnostic/settings menu. It won’t save.

Could both problems be related to a battery problem? I have limited knowledge but would presume a battery that is dead won’t save the settings? Even though I have altered the language settings using the dip switches?

Problem 3: this is possibly a mechanical problem. The player 1 (left) gun’s crosshairs seem to “flicker”. I have run all the game’s diagnostic options. Also, I have to calibrate the guns everytime I power on the game. Might be related to the dead battery?

I was hoping other members might provide some helpful tips! Thanks in advance!

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Number of posts : 6470
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Réparation Terminator 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Réparation Terminator 2   Réparation Terminator 2 Clock_9Wed 16 Aug 2017 - 17:26


Problem 1:
The German language is hardcoded in the ROMs, the only way to change it to English is to replace the German ROMs with US ROMs.
"Language" dipswitch is related to coin settings, not actual language.

Required EPROMs are 27C4001 (4Mbit). I checked but I don't have any of this type left. I can reprogram your EPROMs for free provided you pay return postage (I'm in Belgium too). 5 EPROMs need to be reprogrammed, those are located at U89, U98, U105, U109 and U114. Remove these EPROMs from your PCB, send them to me, I'll reprogram them and will send them back to you.

Problem 2:
You're right, it's very likely the battery. Replace it and your settings should be saved again.
I had the same problem with a Cruis'n World PCB. I replaced the battery and it worked again but now it starts happening again on the same board and replacing the battery does nothing. I've yet to find where the problem lies...

Problem 3:
The fact you need to calibrate the guns at every startup is caused by the dead battery but not the flickering crosshair.

The flickering crosshair could come from a dry solder somewhere on the main PCB (where the crosshair gfx is stored), a bad connection between the gun and the PCB it is attached to (the coil lamp driver board) or a blown fuse on that PCB (but in this case, I guess the symptoms would be more severe like the gun not aiming at all).

I hope this helps...

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Number of posts : 13
Age : 43
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2017-06-08

Réparation Terminator 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Réparation Terminator 2   Réparation Terminator 2 Clock_9Thu 17 Aug 2017 - 8:25

Amazing! Thank you so much for your in depth reply Nomax!

I was considering this to be a hardcoded problem, as I found something similar in a very old post online.

It seems I have to replace the battery first, and then the next step would be to remove the EPROMs for reprogramming.

I have limited technical/electronic knowledge, but it is both so fascinating to have these old games from my childhood AND discover how they work technically.

I'll send you a private message to work out the reprogramming. Thanks again!
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PostSubject: Re: Réparation Terminator 2   Réparation Terminator 2 Clock_9

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