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 Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Empty
PostSubject: Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing   Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Clock_9Sun 2 Jul 2017 - 18:06

Byking will held a location test of Magicians Dead NEXT Blazing at the Round1 Ikebukuro on July 8. A new character will be available.

Players can get clear files by playing the game and answering a questionnaire.


Byking organisera un location test de Magicians Dead NEXT Blazing au Round1 Ikebukuro le 8 juillet. Un nouveau personnage sera disponible.

Players can get clear files by playing the game and answering a questionnaire.


Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Mdeadnext_04

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Mdeadnext_01

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Mdeadnext_02

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Mdeadnext_03
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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing   Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Clock_9Wed 12 Jul 2017 - 18:54

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing will introduce 2 new actions: "Step" to avoid attack with an high speed movement and "Flying" that allows three-dimensional movement by flying in the sky.

The new character is a magical girl named Tam that can turn into an adult woman.


Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing introduira 2 nouvelles actions: "Step" pour éviter les attaques grâce à un mouvement ultra rapide et "Flying" qui permet les mouvements en 3 dimensions en volant dans le ciel.

Le nouveau personnage est une magical girl appelée Tam. qui peut se transformer en adulte.


Tam presentation:

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Mdeadnext_05

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Mdeadnext_06

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Mdeadnext_07

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Mdeadnext_08
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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing   Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Clock_9Sun 21 Oct 2018 - 18:43

Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing will end operation on November 30.


L'exploitation de Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing s'arrêtera le 30 novembre.
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PostSubject: Re: Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing   Magicians DEAD NEXT Blazing Clock_9

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