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 Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner

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Number of posts : 4488
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner   Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Clock_9Fri 23 Jun 2017 - 14:27

Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Fdqmbs_logo

Square Enix and Marvelous announced that Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner sequel will be released on July 20.

As in the previous game, the player fights with his favorite monsters and uses various weapons. Cards from Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner will be compatible with the new title.

Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner will be playable for free at the AEON MALL MAKUHARI New City (Central Grand Mall 1F Hobby Coat) from June 24 to 25.

If they participate to the  stamp rally, players can receive various gifts such as original tote bags and stickers!


Square Enix et Marvelous ont annoncé que la sortie de la suite de Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner sortira le 20 juillet.

Comme dans le jeu précédent, le joueur combat avec ses monstres préférés et utilise des armes variées. Les cartes de Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner seront compatible avec le nouveau titre.

Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner sera jouable gratuitement au AEON MALL MAKUHARI New City (Central Grand Mall 1F Hobby Coat) du 24 au 25 juin.

S'ils participent au rallye de tampons, les joueurs pourront recevoir de nombreux cadeaux tels que des sacs et des stickers!


Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Fdqmbs_01

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Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Fdqmbs_04

Pictures: Famitsu
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Number of posts : 4488
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner   Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Clock_9Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 10:44

The 5th edition of Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner will be out on March 19 and to celebrate the game release, players can get a free card of King Lizard!

New monsters and weapon will be available.


La 5ème édition de Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner sortira le 19 mars et, pour célébrer la sortie du jeu, les joueurs pourront obtenir une carte gratuite de King Lizard!

De nouveaux monstres et de nouvelles armes seront disponibles.

Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Fdq_01

Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Fdq_02

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Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Fdq_06

Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Fdq_07

Pictures: 4Gamer
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Number of posts : 4488
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner   Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Clock_9Sat 30 May 2020 - 13:57

The 6th edition of Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner will be out on June 4.

The Demon Dragon Empire Gundale will appear as the "ultimate monster"! A battle map named Boss Rush with past bosses will be available.


La 6ème édition de Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner sortira le 4 juin.

Le Dragon démon de l'empire Gundale apparaitra en tant que monstre ultime! Une map appelée Boss Rush incluant des anciens boss sera disponible.

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Fight! Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Fdq_14

Pictures: 4Gamer
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