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 Snaky Tickets

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2 posters

Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Snaky Tickets   Snaky Tickets Clock_9Mon 11 Jan 2016 - 16:28

Snaky Tickets Snakytickets_logo

Snaky Tickets from Adrenaline Amusements is the classic snake game turned into a 2 player mayhem on a 55" screen! The goal: catch a maximum of tickets without hitting a wall or yourself! Of course your snake grows a bit with each ticket you eat!


Snaky Tickets d'Adrenaline Amusements est le jeu classique du serpent transformé en bataille acharnée pour 2 joueurs sur un écran de 55"! Le but: attraper un maximum de ticket sans toucher un mur ni se rentrer dedans! Évidemment, votre serpent grandit un peu plus avec chaque ticket mangé!


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Snaky Tickets Snakytickets_flyer

Visit the website. Wink
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Number of posts : 4488
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Snaky Tickets Empty
PostSubject: Re: Snaky Tickets   Snaky Tickets Clock_9Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 18:29

Snaky Tickets @ EAG International 2016.

Gameplay video:

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