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 Speedy Feet

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2 posters

Number of posts : 6478
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Speedy Feet Empty
PostSubject: Speedy Feet   Speedy Feet Clock_9Mon 7 Dec 2015 - 19:42

Speedy Feet is a video redemption game by Universal Space with a prehistoric theme. The player must stomp as quickly as possible on the blinking footprint (there are six of them) to send the dinosaurs back to their geysers. There are 3 levels: lava, ice and rock. The cabinet is equipped with a 42" HD monitor. There is a large bonus points counter above the screen. Speedy Feet will be showcased at EAG International 2016.

Width: 110cm
Depth: 177cm
Height: 217cm
Weight: 210kg


Speedy Feet est un redemption vidéo d'Universal Space au thème préhistorique où le joueur doit marcher le plus vite possible sur l'empreinte qui clignote (il y en a 6) afin de renvoyer les dinosaures dans leurs geysers. Il y a 3 niveaux: lave, glace et roche. La borne est munie d'un écran HD de 42". Il y a un gros compteur de points bonus au dessus de l'écran. Speedy Feet sera présenté à l'EAG International 2016.

Largeur: 110cm
Profondeur: 177cm
Hauteur: 217cm
Poids: 210kg

Speedy Feet Speedf01

Speedy Feet Speedf02

Speedy Feet Speedf03

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Speedy Feet Empty
PostSubject: Re: Speedy Feet   Speedy Feet Clock_9Sat 23 Jan 2016 - 15:59

Speedy Feet @ EAG International 2016.

Speedy Feet Speedyf_01b

Speedy Feet Speedyf_02b

Speedy Feet Speedyf_03b

Speedy Feet Speedyf_04b

Speedy Feet Speedyf_05b

Speedy Feet Speedyf_06b
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Speedy Feet
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