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 Sega Amusements International

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Number of posts : 6478
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Sega Amusements International Empty
PostSubject: Sega Amusements International   Sega Amusements International Clock_9Wed 14 Oct 2015 - 21:11

Sega wrote:

SEGA Amusements Europe Ltd officially changes its name to SEGA Amusements International Ltd expanding its market to cover all reaches of the globe outside of Japan.

Clarifying many months of speculation surrounding the global organisational changes at Sega, today’s announcement reveals a great deal more about substantive changes being made to strengthen the organisation, keeping it at the pinnacle of the amusement industry.

Newly named SEGA Amusements International Ltd (SAI) is a wholly owned subsidiary of SEGA Interactive Co. Ltd, a division of SEGA Sammy Holdings. SAI will expand its existing reach of the EMEA, Russia and The Americas to cover the entire globe outside of Japan. Sega Japan will now focus their core strength on their domestic market and believe the team at Sega Amusements International are best placed to move the company forward, with greater autonomy to chart its own destiny and develop territory specific products.

By leveraging the company’s strengths in innovation, creativity and research and development, SAI is already looking forward to producing a range of products tailored for these new markets. Dedicated R&D teams based in the UK and USA will be headed up by Senior Game Producer Mr. Ogasawara, renowned for the development of “Transformers” and “Let’s Go Jungle”, who will reside in the UK.

SAI sales teams in Europe and America are dedicated to the core areas of Amusement Sales, Merchandise, Spares and Consumables. These teams, built of industry professionals, possess a huge experience of sales, operations, marketing, product development and manufacturing and will now appoint new sales positions for the Asian market.

The company, whose headquarters will remain in London which is seen as a central time zone for international coverage, will have the full support and commitment of SEGA Japan at its disposal.

The current SEGA Amusements COO, Paul Williams, will be leading the way as newly appointed CEO, from which position he will ensure SAI has a full pipeline of cutting-edge products to further the brand and increase market share.

“We’re extremely optimistic about the future for the entire out-of-home entertainment industry,” said an elated Williams. “The chance to grow into these new markets presents us with exciting opportunities we fully intend on maximizing. SEGA is recognized as a leading industry entertainment company. We now have the means to leverage this valuable brand to a worldwide audience.”

SEGA Amusements International Ltd will do all this and a whole lot more.

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