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 Golden Tee 2016

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2 posters

Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Golden Tee 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Golden Tee 2016   Golden Tee 2016 Clock_9Sun 13 Sep 2015 - 16:04

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_00

Le nouveau Golden Tee sortira ce mois-ci. Quoi de neuf?
Il y a de nouveaux menus, de nouveaux habits pour votre golfeur (que vous pourrez aussi déshabiller) et 5 nouveaux parcours (pour un total de 55):
- Hawthorne Manor
- Volcano Palms
- Antelope Pass
- Elkhorn Ridge
- Winding Pines

Les Golden tees (permettant des coups plus affinés) seront utilisables dans tous les modes de jeu y compris dans le mode "Closest-to-the-Pin LIVE". Le mode de jeu "Closest-to-the-Pin" sera quand à lui diponible aussi en offline.

La borne dispose d'un nouveau control panel (voir ci-dessous).

Il y a maintenant une application mobile "Golden Tee Caddy" qui vous permet de consulter vos statistiques, trouver un endroit où jouer proche de vous et revoir vos meilleurs coups.

Golden Tee est également connu pour exister en version domestique. Si vous commandez la version home de Golden Tee 2015 avant le 15 septembre, non seulement les frais de port vous seront offerts mais vous recevrez la mise à jour vers le 2016 gratuitement. Vous pouvez commander votre borne sur ce site:

En vous entrainant bien, vous pourrez peut-être en faire votre métier et gagner 50.000$ par an comme Evan Gossett:

Site officiel:


The new Golden Tee will be released this month. What's new?
There are new menus, new outfits for your golfer (that will able to undress) and 5 new courses (for a grand total of 55):
- Hawthorne Manor
- Volcano Palms
- Antelope Pass
- Elkhorn Ridge
- Winding Pines

Golden tees (allowing fine tuned shots) will be usable in all game modes including "Closest-to-the-Pin LIVE". The "Closest-to-the-Pin" game mode will now be also available offline.

The cabinet sports a new control panel design (see below).

The "Golden Tee Caddy" mobile application will allow the player to check his stats, find a place to play nearby and replay his best shots.

Golden Tee is well know for existing as a domestic version. If you order the home version of Golden Tee 2015 before September 15, you won't pay the shipping cost and you will receive the 2016 update free of charge as it becomes available. You may order your cabinet at this website:

With enough training, playing Golden Tee could become your daily job, earning you a salary of $50,000 per year like Evan Gossett:

Official website:

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_01

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_09
New control panel

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_02
Course selection screen

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_03
Hawthorne Manor

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_04
Volacno Palms

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_05
Antelope Pass

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_06
Elkhorn Ridge

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_07
Winding Pines

Golden Tee 2016 Gt2016_08
Some of the new outfits


Golden Tee 2016 trailer

Golden Tee 2016 player trailer

Golden Tee 2016 Home edition trailer

Golden Tee 2016 attract

New menu system

Money $hot game action

Hawthorne Manor course preview

Volcano Palms course preview

Antelope Pass course preview

Elkhorn Ridge course preview

Winding Pines course preview

Visit the website. Wink
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Number of posts : 1
Age : 51
Country : United States Of America
Registration date : 2015-10-17

Golden Tee 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Golden Tee 2016   Golden Tee 2016 Clock_9Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 22:27

Are there any golden tee games in Belgium?
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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Golden Tee 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Golden Tee 2016   Golden Tee 2016 Clock_9Tue 20 Oct 2015 - 20:30

Hunter_alexander wrote:
Are there any golden tee games in Belgium?

Unfortunately not that I know of... It's a pity since it's a great game!

Most locations here keep their games offline anyway so it takes out a part of the fun...

Visit the website. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Golden Tee 2016   Golden Tee 2016 Clock_9

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