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 [Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2 (Midway)

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Number of posts : 73
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2011-06-01

[Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2  (Midway) Empty
PostSubject: [Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2 (Midway)   [Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2  (Midway) Clock_9Thu 4 Jun 2015 - 10:36

Le terminator 2:

caisse tres correct, seulement petits usures comparé avec la plupart
ecran, son, control tout ok!
Gun recoil ok, marquee ok, flashers bleu et rouge qui se trouve apres le mirroir tout ok.
documents inclus
clés et coinbox inclus

Donc un beau machine classic en état original!

Prix: 750euro

ou échange vs un shooter Maze of the kings (Sega Naomi) en bon etat est aussi possible.

[Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2  (Midway) Wp_20110
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Valued member
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Number of posts : 73
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2011-06-01

[Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2  (Midway) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2 (Midway)   [Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2  (Midway) Clock_9Tue 9 Jun 2015 - 13:38

Up: aussi a vendre
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Valued member
Valued member

Number of posts : 73
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2011-06-01

[Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2  (Midway) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2 (Midway)   [Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2  (Midway) Clock_9Fri 19 Jun 2015 - 0:12

Et vendu ici sur le forum.
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[Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2  (Midway) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2 (Midway)   [Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2  (Midway) Clock_9

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[Vendu] Shooter Terminator 2 (Midway)
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