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 [For Sale] Arcade Suzuka 8 hours by Namco

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Number of posts : 25
Age : 35
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2008-10-23

[For Sale] Arcade Suzuka 8 hours by Namco Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] Arcade Suzuka 8 hours by Namco   [For Sale] Arcade Suzuka 8 hours by Namco Clock_9Sat 30 May 2015 - 18:00

Completely working Suzuka 8 hours for sale by Namco!

Is fully working, complete with the topper, both screens work well and it's set on Free Play.

Some mounting scews are missing.

I think 300euro is a reasonable price.  Smile

[For Sale] Arcade Suzuka 8 hours by Namco File

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[For Sale] Arcade Suzuka 8 hours by Namco
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