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 Pirates of Monster Island

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Number of posts : 4440
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Pirates of Monster Island Empty
PostSubject: Pirates of Monster Island   Pirates of Monster Island Clock_9Sun 11 Jan 2015 - 19:41

Pirates of Monster Island Piratesml_logo

Pirates of Monster Island is a ticket redemption game by Sega Amusements. The player uses a canon to knock crates off the pirate ships to win tickets. If he hits the letters to complete the word "compass", the giant bonus compass marquee will spin to get a bonus.

The cabinet features a 42" LCD screen.


Pirates of Monster Island est un jeu à tickets de Sega Amusements. Le joueur utilise un canon pour tirer sur des caisses et les faires tomber des bateaux pirates afin de gagner des tickets. S'il tire sur les lettres pour former le mot "compass", la marquee géante en forme de compas tournera pour donner un bonus.

La borne est équipée d'un écran LCD 42".



Pirates of Monster Island Piratesml_cab

Pirates of Monster Island Piratesml_01

Pirates of Monster Island Piratesml_02

Pirates of Monster Island Piratesml_03

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Pirates of Monster Island Piratesml_05

Pirates of Monster Island Piratesml_06
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Number of posts : 4440
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Pirates of Monster Island Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirates of Monster Island   Pirates of Monster Island Clock_9Sun 18 Jan 2015 - 12:57

Pirates of Monster Island pictures shot at EAG International 2015.

Pirates of Monster Island Eag15158b

Pirates of Monster Island Eag15159b

Pirates of Monster Island Eag15160b

Pirates of Monster Island Eag15161b

Pirates of Monster Island Eag15162b

Pirates of Monster Island Eag15163b

Pirates of Monster Island Eag15164b
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