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 [For Sale] Arcades and prize machines from a mobile lunapark

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glenn pellis
Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 328
Age : 35
City : Ekeren
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2006-12-16

[For Sale] Arcades and prize machines from a mobile lunapark Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] Arcades and prize machines from a mobile lunapark   [For Sale] Arcades and prize machines from a mobile lunapark Clock_9Fri 14 Nov 2014 - 18:22

Arcades for sale:   contact me:

Time crisis 2: 2 player ok condition....not working (both screens broken (chassis)   i have No pictures...
time crisis 3: 2 player, ok condition....not working (both screens broken (chassis)   i have No Pictures...

prize games:

cyclone, game with neon's, is working, nice machine, ticket prize machine
prize slots, fully working, nice compact game, gives prizes by each winning slots combination

[For Sale] Arcades and prize machines from a mobile lunapark Dsc04210

[For Sale] Arcades and prize machines from a mobile lunapark Dsc04211

[For Sale] Arcades and prize machines from a mobile lunapark Dsc04212
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[For Sale] Arcades and prize machines from a mobile lunapark
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