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 K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection

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Number of posts : 4488
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Empty
PostSubject: K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection    K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Clock_9Sat 6 Sep 2014 - 14:15

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_logo

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection (After School Rhythm Selection) is the second card game from Sega based on K-ON! licence coming after K-ON! Hokage Rhythm released in 2013. The game is based on the PSP version named K-ON! Hokage Live. There will be 46 different cards, 7 stages and music from the anime.

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection will be on location test at Club Sega Akihabara (New) from September 13 to 15.


K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection (After School Rhythm Selection) est le deuxième jeu de carte de Sega tiré de la licence K-ON! après K-ON! Hokage Rhythm sorti en 2013. Le jeu sera basé sur la version PSP K-ON! Hokage Live. Il y aura 46 cartes différentes, 7 stages et des musiques tirées de l'animé.

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection sera en location test du 13 au 15 septembre au Club Sega Akihabara (New).


K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_10

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_09

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_08

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_07

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_06

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_05

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_04

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_03

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_02

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Konhokaselection_01

Pictures: Famitsu
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Number of posts : 4488
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Empty
PostSubject: Re: K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection    K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection  Clock_9Fri 14 Nov 2014 - 18:47

K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection is out since Yesterday.


K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection est sorti hier.
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K-ON!! Hokage Rhythm Selection
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