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 [VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3

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[VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3 Empty
PostSubject: [VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3   [VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3 Clock_9Mon 18 Aug 2014 - 10:10

As per title, i've for sale:
-Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 graphic card.
The motherboard is jap and comes with Sangokushi Taisen 3.
I can also add a multiboot kit if you need (add 180€).
All perfectly working as you can see from my pics:
[VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3 Iqm1rs
[VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3 Fmnq6s
[VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3 E0pf21
[VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3 15q6wlg

Price is 400€.

-Sega Triforce Type 3 512MB Export Version.
Perfectly working:
[VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3 292mbdg
[VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3 2urt7yq
[VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3 118om5e

Price is 180€

Add shipping cost to the prices.
Payment via paypal "gift" please or add 4,5% to cover the fees, or via bank tranfer.
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[VDS] Sega Lindbergh with Geforce 7800 and Triforce Type 3
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